
Program KMMI 2021, Teknik Geofisika ITS Membuka 2 Short Course Petrophysics Training dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi

Wed, 21 Jul 2021
2:51 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

Kemdikbudristek has launched the KMMI Program (Micro Credentials for Indonesian Students), one of the Merdeka Campus programs, which the learning takes the form of a short course that includes hard skills and soft skills.

Therefore, ITS Geophysical Engineering opens opportunities for Indonesian students to join the short courses which are:

1. Petrophysical Training

This course is suitable for geoscientists and non-geosciences cross-disciplines that will invite you to learn Petroleum Geology, Petroleum Drilling Fundamentals, Fundamentals of Well Logging, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Petroleum Reservoirs.

2. Geological Disaster Mitigation

This course will invite you to learn about various potential disasters in Indonesia and its laws and regulations, and there will also be case studies of Geological Hazard Identification and Mitigation, and Disaster Risk Analysis.

In this KMMI program, the Petrophysics Training class will be opened with a capacity of 80 participants, while the Geological Disaster Mitigation class is limited to 40 participants.

By joining this KMMI program, the advantage you will get is that you can convert into courses of at least 3 credits, and you will also get direct courses from ITS Geophysical Engineering partner practitioners: Tecrube and Geospasia.

As addition, at the end of the event you will also get an e-certificate.

So what are you waiting for, register yourself immediately via kmmi.kemdikbud.go.idbecause registration is only open from July 19 to July 28, 2021.

See you at ITS Geophysical Engineering short course!


kredensial mikro mahasiswa indonesia (KMMI) Teknik Geofisika ITS: Petrophysics Training dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi

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