“From first semester, I always work on assignments in collaboration with my friends to form study groups”, that was the beginning of the story conveyed by this ITS Geophysical Engineering alumni.
The woman’s full name is Rista Fitri Indriani, S.T., has successfully graduated with pride in 3.5 years. Under the guidance of Dr. Widya Utama, and Dr. Dwa Desa Warnana, Rista did very well her final project entitled “Permeability Study for Flood Simulation Hydrology”.
“From the study group, I discussed more with my friends and felt lighter in doing my assignments,”she said, continuing the story of his study struggle. Remarkably, she also balances her enthusiasm for academic activities with non-academic activities. Rista has been recorded as active in various organizations, including in the ITS Geophysical Engineering Student Association (HMTG) by contributing as Student Welfare Expert Staff, and also in the FTSLK BEM Formation Team which acts as the formulator of the organizational formation and management of the FTSPK BEM, as well as in various other student committees.
She also said that she had planned for 3.5 years of graduation since 5th semester. “In 5th semester I searched a lot for information and literature studies to find topics I was interested in as my final project, namely petrophysics, which is all about rock mechanics and rock physics. From there, I signed up for a rock physics laboratory assistant and I learned a lot and shared knowledge about rock physics,”s he continued.
Then when she entered the 6th semester, the woman who had made achievement as the 1st Contender Winner of the ITB Solver Festival Essay Competition in 2020, and also the Scholarship Winner of PPA 2019 and the Adaro Scholarship in 2020 and 2021 had indeed planned to find a thesis supervisor. “I happened to take an internship as a hydrology assistant. From the data on the internship, I did my final project with the topic of petrophysical applications in hydrology.” she continued.
To her fellow students, graduates who have participated in the international conferences “International Conference on Civil Engineering Applications” in 2019 and also “1st International Conference Labma Scientific Fair” in 2020 sent a message, “Whatever your dreams are, just pursue it. Until it happened. Don’t forget to balance the effort with the prayer.Do balance academic and non-academic activities. It is important for friends to plan what they want to do by reviewing the priority activities so that they can complete the work on time.” she concluded.
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