
Selesction of Mahasiswa Berprestasi (Mawapres) 2022 Geophysical Engineering ITS

Sat, 01 Jan 2022
5:39 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

The Selection of Mawapres (PILMAPRES) is one of the annual agendas organized by the National Achievement Center. In this activity, ITS always plays an active role and achieves satisfactory results.

On this occasion, ITS Geophysical Engineering opened up opportunities for ITS Geophysical Engineering students to take part in the selection in screening 2 delegates who would be sent to ITS. The requirements for outstanding student candidates and the completeness of the files are as follows:

  • Active Students Class of 2019/2020
  • GPA above 3.00
  • Have active English skills with TOEFL 475
  • Collecting linear essays with the scientific family of Geophysical Engineering
  • Adding a summary of the essay in English (abstract)
  • Have a list of superior achievements at national and international levels along with supporting documents (certificates)

Complete files can be sent to the Sekretariat Teknik Geofisika ITS,Gedung Teknik Geofisika ITS, 2nd floor, no later than 08
January 2022, 16.00 WIB.


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