ITS Geophysical Engineering will celebrate 9th Dies Natalis with a series of interesting events
UK – Indonesia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Sciences presents a student information session for Internship
Make sure you grab this opportunity, because the registration is only open until Monday,
This weekly agenda of Geophysical Engineering ITS will be held in the last week
Geophysical Engineering ITS in collaboration with Tecrube presents a Guest Lecture with invited speakers:
Geology of Environmental Management and Hazardous Waste The study of the geology of the
Selamat kepada mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika ITS, Hafizh Dzaky Amanullah, yang berhasil mengukuhkan prestasi dalam
Geophysical Engineering ITS in collaboration with ITS Research Center of Majapahit Empire Civilization presents
Did you know June 17 is World Day for Combating Land Degradation and Drought?
Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika (HMTG) ITS presents a guest lecture with invited speakers: Name:
Posisi Indonesia yang terletak di kawasan tektonik aktif karena ditekan oleh tiga lempeng bumi
#Geophysical Engineering ITS #Teknik Geofisika ITS #Fakultas Teknik Sipil Perencanaan dan Kebumian ITS #Faculty
Kita pernah ditanya media, bahwa Indonesia dikenal sebagai kawasan yang kaya akan minyak dan
Rare earth metals (LTJ) are used in a wide range of consumer products from
Sehubungan dengan kegiatan perkuliahan semester Gasal 2020/2021, diumumkan kepada para mahasiswa, bahwa pengisian IPD