fakultas teknik sipil perencanaan dan kebumian

Guest Lecture: Geologi, Hidrogeologi, Geofisika untuk Mendukung Infrastruktur Sumber Daya Air di Indonesia

Geophysical Engineering  ITS and HAGI Komwil Surabaya presents: Guest Lecture: Geologi, Hidrogeologi, Geofisika untuk

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Internship in Microsoft

Microsoft offer internships in all job families and solution areas, and it’s open to

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Scholarship Program from Bank Indonesia 2021

Bank Indonesia opens a scholarship program for undergraduate (S1) students, which is divided into

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Online FGD: Menggagas Pusat Unggulan Iptek Peradaban Nusantara

The Center for Excellence in Science and Technology (PUI) is an organization that has

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Academic Information of Even Semester 2020/2021

The start of Even Semester 2020/2021 is getting close, so we inform to students

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World Water Day 2021, BBWS Brantas Presents a Student Scientific Writing Competition

Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Brantas presents a Scientific Writing Competition which is open to

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Pendidikan Bencana Geologi-Mengidentifikasi Penyebab Banjir Bandang dan Mitigasinya, Dr Amien Widodo as Speaker

Floods are one of the most destructive annual natural disasters, because they occur suddenly

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Menyingkap Jejak Ketangguhan Bencana Masyarakat Lereng Gunung Kelud

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – Mount Kelud is one of the active volcanoes in East Java.

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Online Seminar: “Antisipasi Bencana Hidrometeorologis: Quo Vadis Kerusakan Lingkungan dan Dampaknya”, Dr. Amien Widodo as Speaker

Research Center for Environment, Housing, and Settlement bekerjasama dengan Research Center For Earth, Disaster

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Deep Condolence for the Loss of Amna Shifia Nisafani, S.Kom, M.Eng.Sc., Lecturer of Information System Department, ITS

  #GeophysicalEngineeringITS #TeknikGeofisikaITS #FakultasTeknikSipilPerencanaanDanKebumianITS #FacultyofCivilPlanningAndGeoEngineeringITS #InstitutTeknologiSepuluhNopember

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