INISIASI GEOPARK GUNUNG PENANGGUNGAN G Penanggungan terletak di antara Kabupaten Mojokerto (bagian barat)
Universitas Widyatama presents: Lomba Rancang Bangun, Widyatama International Academic Competition Important Date: 6 Desember
Alumni Association of Geophysical Engineering (IKA TG) ITS presents: “Persiapan Alumni Teknik Geofisika Menghadapi
Directorate of Global Engagement ITS presents: The P2P Virtual Public Lecture in Engineering Field
Tutorial Upload Prestasi di MyITS Student Connect Informasi untuk teman-teman mahasiswa, unggah prestasi
Geophysical Engineering ITS presents: ”Virtual Trip to Mount Bromo” with speaker: Haris Miftakhul Fajar,
Dalam rangka turut mencerdaskan anak bangsa, BRI akan melaksanakan CSR atau Bina Lingkungan
MEMBANGUN MASYARAKAT TANGGUH INDONESIA Selama ini sebagian besar masyarakat masih menganggap bencana sebagai sesuatu
#Geophysical Engineering ITS #Teknik Geofisika ITS #Fakultas Teknik Sipil Perencanaan dan Kebumian ITS #Faculty
The entire family of the ITS Geophysical Engineering Department congratulates the 60th Dirgahayu Sepuluh
Teknik Geofisika ITS bekerjasama dengan Pusat Survei Geologi menyelenggarakan Webinar bertajuk: IDENTIFIKASI DAN PEMETAAN
To enrich the study courses, Geophysical Engineering ITS presents a guest lecture with the
In order to guide students to become individuals who know the rules, obey the
Dalam rangka memperingati 9th Dies Natalis nya, Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan webinar daring: Lokakarya