Selamat kepada mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika ITS, Hafizh Dzaky Amanullah, yang berhasil mengukuhkan prestasi dalam
Geophysical Engineering ITS in collaboration with ITS Research Center of Majapahit Empire Civilization presents
Did you know June 17 is World Day for Combating Land Degradation and Drought?
Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika (HMTG) ITS presents a guest lecture with invited speakers: Name:
This weekly agenda of Geophysical Engineering ITS will be held in the forth week
Department of Geophysical Engineering ITS will held an online guest lecture with invited speakers:
Indonesia is one of the countries categorized as a country with a high level
Geophysical Engineering Department of ITS presents Webinar #40: “Understanding Epithermal-Porphyry Deposits Along Eastern Sunda
Indonesian students can now register on the @merdekabelajar_kampusmerdeka portal and wait for any companies
3 Students of Geophysical Engineering ITS, Rizka Amelia, Hilda Liliana Sihombing, Dina Yulianita succeeded
Regarding the implementation of lectures in the odd semester of 2020/2021, ITS Vice Rector
Gempa-dalam M6.6 Laut Jawa dekat Tuban bukan yang pertama tapi sudah berulang ulang. Sebelumnya
Teknik Geofisika ITS mengundang Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana (PVMBG) dalam program “PVMBG Goes
Hujan masih akan terus berlangsung dan akan maksimum bulan Februari-Maret 2024 untuk itu kepada
BACKGROUND El Nino is a phenomenon of warming sea surface temperature (SML) above normal