As the initiation of partnership between Geophysical Engineering ITS with Badan Tenaga Nuklir (BATAN),
Immediately register yourself to be able to get the BCA Bakti Scholarship. The requirements
Vice Rector I has issued an announcement letter in order to support the government
Congratulation for students of Geophysical Engineering ITS which won the scholarships: Scholarship of Program
Unsoed presents a competition for Indonesian students in earth science field, which brings topic
“From first semester, I always work on assignments in collaboration with my friends to
Here is the document of Surat Edaran Rektor ITS which states on July 8,
We thank the participants who have participated in enlivening the 9th Anniversary of ITS
Dalam rangka memperingati 9th Dies Natalis nya, Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan webinar daring: Lokakarya
PT Pembangunan Jaya open the opportunity for ITS students to grab the scholarship, up
This international competition is presented for all university students all around the world and
Belum diterima masuk PTN jalur SBMPTN? Jangan bersedih dan kecewa guys; kesempatan belum tertutup
BNPB called landslides the deadliest disaster in Indonesia. Landslide disasters were recorded in 2019