This weekly agenda of Geophysical Engineering ITS will be held in the forth week
Department of Geophysical Engineering ITS will held an online guest lecture with invited speakers:
Indonesia is one of the countries categorized as a country with a high level
Geophysical Engineering Department of ITS presents Webinar #40: “Understanding Epithermal-Porphyry Deposits Along Eastern Sunda
Indonesian students can now register on the @merdekabelajar_kampusmerdeka portal and wait for any companies
3 Students of Geophysical Engineering ITS, Rizka Amelia, Hilda Liliana Sihombing, Dina Yulianita succeeded
This weekly agenda of Geophysical Engineering ITS will be held in the third week
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) merupakan suatu rencana aksi global yang disepakati oleh para pemimpin
Hallo semua pejuang PTN, gimana nih kabarnya? Jangan patah
ASESMEN SUMBERDAYA WARISAN GEOLOGI (PERMEN ESDM No. 1 Tahun 2020) Sistem manajemen sumberdaya warisan
This weekly agenda of Geophysical Engineering ITS will be held at the beginning of
Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru, Terbarukan, dan Konservasi Energi and Faculty of Civil Planning and
#Geophysical Engineering ITS #Teknik Geofisika ITS #Fakultas Teknik Sipil Perencanaan dan Kebumian ITS #Faculty
In this pandemic, Pertamina Foundation provided the opportunity for the best students in Indonesia