The ITS Geophysical Engineering Department and the ITS Geophysical Engineering Student Association (HMTG) presents:
Do you want to see the ITS campus directly in this PPKM period?? Want
#GeophysicalEngineeringITS #TeknikGeofisikaITS #FakultasTeknikSipilPerencanaanDanKebumianITS #FacultyofCivilPlanningAndGeoEngineeringITS #InstitutTeknologiSepuluhNopember
ITS offers an internship program for ITS students who are currently studying in semester
Stay safe and healthy, people. ITS Geophysical Engineering ITS would like to deliver a
Dr Ir Amien Widodo, peneliti senior MKPI ITS menceritakan bagaimana mulanya hujan sering disebut
The Directorate of Student Affairs ITS invites students of Faculty of Civil, Planning and
Talent Academy is an internship program opened for ITS students that will provide students
Deep condolences for the loss of Waskitho Wibisono, S.Kom., M.Eng., Ph.D (Vice
In the Webinar GPendidikan Bencana Geologi: Bencana Erupsi Gunung Api dan Mitigasinya, ITS Geophysical
The BPJS Ketenagakerjaan program facilitates non-wage workers, where students who do internships/KKN in a
The Center for Excellence in Science and Technology (PUI) is an organization that has
Geophysical Engineering ITS presents a guest lecture with the topic “Ketidakpastian Model Kecepatan Geser
PT Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi, anak perusahaan PT Elnusa, Tbk which is engaged in providing