National Student Competition: KSBF Freestyle Online Competition Open Registration: 1-8 November 2020 #Geophysical
Geophysical Engineering ITS presents: Web Seminar ” ‘Pemanfaatan Geoheritage” di Gunung Sewu UNESCO Global
Mandiri Amal Insani Foundation Proudly Present Beasiswa Bintang Mandiri Persyaratan daftar : 1. Beragama
Segenap Civitas Akademika Teknik Geofisika ITS mengucapkan: Turut Berduka Cita atas meninggalnya Ibunda
Departemen Teknik Geofisika ITS mengucapkan Selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda 28 Oktober. Mengutip pesan Bung
ISPG presents: Webinar Overpressured Sedimentary Basin From Academic Prespective As Speakers: Dr. Amien Widodo
PIT (Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan) HAGI is an annual event to connect geoscience enthusiasts and share ideas about the contribution of
* Topic of Paper Poster: Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga di Indonesia Scientific Paper: Membangun Olahraga
* Topic of Paper: Penguatan Nasionalisme di Jawa Timur berbasis multikultural Harmoni Sosial Budaya
Scholarship Fellowship Program by Mr. Charles A. Caughey, who is better known as Mr.
ITS Geophysical Engineering wishes you a happy commemoration of National Awakening Day, May 20,
Geophysical Engineering ITS will conduct a guest lecture with the topic of “Potensi Cadangan
ITS Geophysical Engineering will have a guest lecture with the topic “Sharing Knowledge, Geophysics
3 Students of Geophysical Engineering ITS, Rizka Amelia, Hilda Liliana Sihombing, Dina Yulianita succeeded