Integrated Field Lecture is a course aimed at final year students to apply
Semburan lumpur banyak dijumpai di Indonesia dan sebagian muncul secara alami bersamaan dengan munculnya
Gunung lumpur Sidoarjo atau populer dengan istilah “Lumpur Sidoarjo”, atau disingkat dengan “LUSI” merupakan
Rare earth metals (LTJ) are used in a wide range of consumer products from
In the event named Integrated Petroleum Competition 2022, three ITS Geophysical Engineering students won
Gempa-dalam M6.6 Laut Jawa dekat Tuban bukan yang pertama tapi sudah berulang ulang. Sebelumnya
Bank BTN opens opportunities for the best talents to jointly contribute to the country
Geophysical Engineering in collaboration with Pertamina URTI (Upstream Research Technology Innovation), held a series