Indonesia is known as a country rich in cultural treasures of the past. Many
Pusat Penelitian Energi Berkelanjutan DRPM ITS presents: Webinar Series Geothermal: ”Sistem Geothermal dan Eksplorasi”
For study enrichment, ITS Geophysical Engineering provides a guest lecture with topic : “PLATFORM
ITS Geophysical Engineering in collaboration with PVMBG, BMKG, and BNPB present Webinar “Refleksi Mitigasi
Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Pusat Bahasa Indonesia 2005), pegon diartikan dengan “aksara arab yang
Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan WEBINAR UPDATE KAJIAN GEOSAIN SITUS KUMITIR, mengundang pembicara : Endah