#Geophysical Engineering ITS #Teknik Geofisika ITS #Fakultas Teknik Sipil Perencanaan dan Kebumian ITS #Faculty
Jurusan Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Malang, mengundang Dr. Amien Widodo sebagai pembicara
Belum diterima masuk PTN jalur SBMPTN? Jangan bersedih dan kecewa guys; kesempatan belum tertutup
Geophysical Engineering ITS & Tecrübe presents: Webinar Series – Carbonate Petrophysics #2 Topic :
Geophysical Engineering ITS & Tecrübe presents: Webinar Series – Carbonate Petrophysics #1 Topic :
WEBINAR-18 DEPARTEMEN TEKNIK GEOFISIKA ITS “Perubahan Iklim dan Perubahan Garis Pantai” Para ahli menyebutkan
Please register at https://intip.in/PembangunanJaya to upload files, including: 1. Lecture Active Letter 2. Study
Click the following link for more detail : http://marine.tju.edu.cn/en/xwzx/tzgg/202007/t20200708_317542.html #Geophysical Engineering ITS #Teknik Geofisika
Webinar Masyarakat Geologi Tata Lingkungan Indonesia: Deformasi Sekitar Semburan Lumpur Deformasi sekitar semburan
Candi ini berbentuk tapak persegi ukuran panjang ± 123 m, lebar ± 123 m
Land Subsidence Damage and Losses in Sidoarjo Regency The viral flood incident in Banjarasri
ITS Geophysical Engineering in collaboration with MGMP Geografi Jawa Timur present Guest Lecture: “Rip
Open until 30 June 2020
For study enrichment, ITS Geophysical Engineering provides a guest lecture with topic : “PEMILIHAN