Jurusan Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Malang, mengundang Dr. Amien Widodo sebagai pembicara
Belum diterima masuk PTN jalur SBMPTN? Jangan bersedih dan kecewa guys; kesempatan belum tertutup
Geophysical Engineering ITS & Tecrübe presents: Webinar Series – Carbonate Petrophysics #2 Topic :
Geophysical Engineering ITS & Tecrübe presents: Webinar Series – Carbonate Petrophysics #1 Topic :
#Geophysical Engineering ITS #Teknik Geofisika ITS #Fakultas Teknik Sipil Perencanaan dan Kebumian ITS #Faculty
WEBINAR-18 DEPARTEMEN TEKNIK GEOFISIKA ITS “Perubahan Iklim dan Perubahan Garis Pantai” Para ahli menyebutkan
Please register at https://intip.in/PembangunanJaya to upload files, including: 1. Lecture Active Letter 2. Study
Click the following link for more detail : http://marine.tju.edu.cn/en/xwzx/tzgg/202007/t20200708_317542.html #Geophysical Engineering ITS #Teknik Geofisika
Webinar Masyarakat Geologi Tata Lingkungan Indonesia: Deformasi Sekitar Semburan Lumpur Deformasi sekitar semburan
This weekly agenda of Geophysical Engineering ITS will be held in the third week
Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan WEBINAR “Perlukah Standar Persetujuan Penggunaan Air Tanah?” mengundang pembicara : Dr.
Teknik Geofisika ITS bekerjasama dengan PERTAMINA menyelenggarakan Workshop dengan topik “Petroleum Geology of North
ITS invited the entire ITS academic community to Pray Together for the Health and