Salam semangat, Hai sobat muda, di tengah pandemic covid-19 di Indonesia ini, jangan
Open until 30 June 2020
As the initiation of partnership between Geophysical Engineering ITS with Badan Tenaga Nuklir (BATAN),
Kompetisi Sobat Bumi 2020 The Registration is extended to 6 November 2020 #Geophysical
Dr. Ir Amien Widodo, M.Si, a Disaster Researcher from the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Saya, Aisyah Fairuz Salsabila, alumni Teknik Geofisika angkatan 2015. Saya salah satu penerima beasiswa
My Mother, my friend so dear, Throughout my life you’re always near. A tender