teknik geofisika its

Celebrating Kartini’s Day, 21 April 2021

Geophysical Engineering ITS wishes you Happy Kartini’s Day, April 21, 2021. Let’s be great

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Guest Lecture Aspek Geosains untuk Pariwisata with Reza Permadi

Geophysical Engineering ITS presents guest lecture which is open for public with the topic

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Guest Lecture “Mengenal Karakteristik Laut Indonesia”, by Dr. Anastasia Rita Tisiana Dwi Kuswardani

This weekly agenda of Geophysical Engineering ITS will be held in the third week

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[Ngabuburit] GeoRamadhan with Resource Speaker: Riki Irfan M.Si

Gimana puasa kalian di minggu pertama ini ? Nih buat nemenin puasa

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International Pencak Silat Championship by Universitas Sebelas Maret

Universitas Sebelas Maret presents International Pencak Silat Championship with total prize 40 millio rupiah.

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Schedule of Imsakiyah in Surabaya and surrounding towns, Ramadhan 1442 H/2021 M

Segenap civitas academica Teknik Geofisika ITS mengucapkan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa. Berikut ini infografik

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Scholarship from Pertaminar For Students of S1 Reguler, Afirmasi, dan Vokasi

In this pandemic, Pertamina Foundation provided the opportunity for the best students in Indonesia

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Geophysical Engineering ITS Get International Accreditation: IABEE

Alhamdulillah Geophysical Engineering ITS has been officially accredited by the Indonesian Accreditation Board for

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Guest Lecture: “Geohazard and Mitigation in Sabah, Malaysia” by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rodeano Roslee, P.GEOL

This weekly agenda of Geophysical Engineering ITS will be held in the second week

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Geophysical Engineering ITS Webinar in collaboration with HAGI

Geophysical Engineering ITS in collaboration with Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia  proudly presents: Webinar #36

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