In the event named Integrated Petroleum Competition 2022, three ITS Geophysical Engineering students won the title. Muhammad Rafi, Muhammad Ilhan Baihaqi, and Muhammad Faiz Nugraha, successfully achieved the Second Winner of Geothermal Case Study Competition. This competition encourage student’s creativity, planning skills, and teamwork to conduct a planning report in developing a geothermal field.
This event is an annual internal competition held by the SPE UNDIP Student Chapter which provide not only competition, but also software training and webinar.
Nusantara terletak di jalur Ring of Fire atau cincin api Pasifik, yaitu jalur di sepanjang samudra Pasifik yang ditandai
ITS sudah lama mengembangkan ilmu terkait material tambang seperti yang di Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Material (PSSTM), Departemen Teknik
Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan Kuliah Tamu dengan topik “Fundamental of Business Model Canvas”, bersama narasumber: Helmi Indrajaya dari (Assistant