Do you want to see the ITS campus directly in this PPKM period?? Want to come to Surabaya, but still have to reduce mobility?
No need to worry, Prospective Students of ITS Campus ! The ITS campus can still be seen directly!
ITS is here to enliven “One Click @” Virtual Edu Expo 2021, An exhibition of your favorite campuses in Indonesia that can be peeked at virtually!
What is the time?
6-7 February 2021 08.00 – 19:00 WIB
Prospective students of ITS Campus can get complete information about educational plans, FREE talkshow not only for prospective students, but also parents, and teachers Also participate in various EXCITING COMPETITIONS and get a total of tens of millions of rupiah in prizes!
Come visit the ITS Virtual Booth, click the details and get all complete information about ITS, your chosen candidate campus! See you there, Prospective Students of ITS Campus!
#GeophysicalEngineeringITS #TeknikGeofisikaITS #FakultasTeknikSipilPerencanaanDanKebumianITS #FacultyofCivilPlanningAndGeoEngineeringITS #InstitutTeknologiSepuluhNopember
Posisi geografi Indonesia berada di kawasan tumbukan lempeng yang aktif dan di kawasan iklim tropis. Artinya masyarakat Indonesia bermukim
Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan Webinar Refleksi dan Resolusi Pengurangan Risiko Bencana bersama Keynote Speaker: Dr. Raditya Jati , S.Si.,
Penurunan tanah merupakan suatu proses menurunnya tanah pada suatu kawasan yang cukup luas yang bisa terjadi secara alami karena