In the celebration of 9th Dies Natalis, Geophysical Engineering ITS open the opportunity for your creativity to be competed in Vlog Competition . Lets join the event, take note that the topic of video should be “Geoscience For The Future”, and also the duration no more than 5 minutes with quality no less than 720 P in format of mp4 or mkv. . Look out the detail qualification through this link: and register yourself before July 4 through
Posisi geografi Indonesia berada di kawasan tumbukan lempeng yang aktif dan di kawasan iklim tropis. Artinya masyarakat Indonesia bermukim
Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan Webinar Refleksi dan Resolusi Pengurangan Risiko Bencana bersama Keynote Speaker: Dr. Raditya Jati , S.Si.,
Penurunan tanah merupakan suatu proses menurunnya tanah pada suatu kawasan yang cukup luas yang bisa terjadi secara alami karena