
Webinar #46 Update Situs Kumitir dan Sejarah Bencana di Jawa Timur

Thu, 21 Oct 2021
9:36 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

The excavation of the Kumitir Site in recent years has become an important finding to open the real Palace of the King of Majapahit City. Previously, this was a question of decades or even hundreds of years. Where is the real Palace of the King of Majapahit located?
So far, experts have only believed that the King of Majapahit City or Wilwatiktapura was in Trowulan. This hypothesis is supported by the notes of Secretary Admiral Ceng Ho, namely Ma Huan from China.

Judging from the area of ​​​​the Kumitir Site, it is about 6 hectares, with a length of 316 m on the north and south sides, and 216 m on the east and west sides. Excavations on the west side found the corner of the fort and the gate. This was clearly a large building (israna?) at that time. Based on the reconstruction map of the Dutch researchers regarding the position of the Kumitir site and based on the Negarakertagama manuscript, the Kumitir site is the eastern palace of Majapahit. The majesty of the Majapahit Kingdom is described in the Negarakertagama Book on pupuh 8-12. According to the contents of the pupuh, Mpu Prapanca described the Majapahit Kingdom complex surrounded by thick and high red brick walls and a fortified guard post called Pura Waktra.

Why are so many buried so wide? To find out the cause can be known from the most sincere historical records in ancient manuscripts, from research and from measurements in the field. ITS Geophysical Engineering actively participates as a volunteer in conducting research on the causes of the burial of many of these sites.

Feeling curious?

Thus ITS Geophysical Engineering presents webinar with the topic “Update Situs Kumitir dan Sejarah Bencana di Jawa Timur” inviting Resource Speakers:

  • Wicaksono Dwi Nugroho, M.Hum (Archeolog of BPCB Jawa Timur)
  • Dr. Amien Widodo ( Lecturer & Researcher of ITS Geophysical Engineering)

and will be held in:

This webinar is open for public and also e-certificate will be provided for participants.

The presentation of Resource Speakers can be accessed through the following link, once the event is done:



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