The core of the earth, like the sun, is where radioactive reactions take place and will produce hot magma and high pressure. The difference in heat will cause convection currents that move the plates away from each other, approach each other, or pass each other. Indonesia is pressed by 3 plates from the south, north and east. Consequently, a series of hundreds of volcanoes emerged stretching from Sumatra – Java – the Lesser Sunda Islands – North Maluku. Globally located in the Pacific Ring of Fire. Phenomenal records of volcanic eruptions in Indonesia include Mount Toba which erupted so violently about 74,000 years ago, which resulted in a six-year winter. The eruption of Mount Samalas on Lombok Island in 1257, caused fog (ash) on the plains of Europe and caused a pandemic. Then Mount Tambora, known for its violent eruption in 1815 and causing a year without a summer in Europe, and the eruption of Mount Krakatoa in 1883 with its tsunami.
Eruption is an event where magma comes out to the earth’s surface. The process can be in the form of eruptions and or lava flows, even intrusive. Materials resulting from volcanic eruptions can be in the form of gas, water and solid materials. The gas released from the volcano is closely related to the addition of gas in the atmosphere, if the atmosphere lacks water vapor, the volcano will release water vapor, if the atmosphere lacks CO2 then the volcano will release CO2 gas etc. The solid material that comes out of the volcano will flow. (lava) there is an explosion that produces loose materials of fine size to the size of large lumps. Material will be dropped and collect on the slopes of the volcano to form a volcanic cone. Later it will be spread by gravity and/or water will flow into the rivers around the volcano.
High volcanic cones with fertile soil will produce areas with dense forests around the slopes of the volcano so that these high volcanoes function as regulators of the water cycle, water regulators, wind regulators, climate regulators, and ecosystem regulators. Ancient society, especially Hindu beliefs were also thick with the deification of nature. Every Hindu everywhere always places Mount in their territory as a holy place as the abode of Lord Shiva. The Puranas are the basis for deifying the Mountain as a symbol of the Linga which is the place where Lord Shiva is located.
ECJ Mohr (1938), a Dutch agricultural expert, said, The only source of radical regeneration for soil is volcanoes. Without volcanoes, the future will only mean a decline because the fertility of the soil has been eroded by rain. It was further explained why the volcanic area became densely populated even though it was close to a disaster. Areas without volcanoes are usually few in number. Even if the area is covered with dense forest, soil fertility will soon disappear when the forest is cleared for agricultural purposes. One of the Dutch scientists J.L. Brandes, wrote in a journal entitled “Een Jayapatra of Acte vanEene Rechterlijke uitspraak van Saka 849”, TBG 32/1889. It is stated that since the X century (849 Saka +78 = 927 AD), Indonesia has had at least 10 original sciences and civilizations, one of which is agricultural irrigation with the SUBAK system.
Volcanic eruptions are often called disasters when they hit human settlements. But volcanic eruptions are actually a natural balance process that has occurred hundreds of millions of years ago. Volcanic eruptions are part of natural cycles that must occur so that the Earth is harmonious and habitable. This webinar aims to provide another view of the benefits of volcanoes that have given us life and livelihood for thousands and even millions of years before humans existed. It also gives knowledge to the community that they must be wise and wise in adapting to volcanoes. Because a volcano never breaks a promise, in a certain period it will release its contents on a large scale.
Hence Department of Geophysical Engineering ITS, Master Study Program of Disaster Management UPNVY, FPTPRB and IAGI presents WEBINAR TERIMA KASIH GUNUNG API which will be held on :
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