Tomini Bay or also known as the Gorontalo Basin, Sulawesi is the deepest and widest bay in Indonesia. Not much was known about the geology of Tomini Bay until the eruption of Mount Colo in the middle of the bay and destroyed three quarters of this volcanic island (Una-Una Island) in 1983. This massive eruption was preceded by tectonic earthquakes and then months of volcanic activity. previously that made the population at that time leave the island, so that when a major eruption occurred there were no more residents living on the island.
The Colo Volcano and the Togian Islands were not understood geologically until more detailed mapping and studies were carried out in this area. Regional and detailed seismic surveys were also carried out throughout the Tomini Bay area. Analysis and interpretation of these data provides an overview of the geology and tectonics of Tomini Bay, as well as the occurrence of Mt. Colo and the Togian Islands. Although later there were some differences of opinion regarding these matters, these data are useful for understanding the geology and tectonics of Tomini Bay and mitigating geological disasters in this region (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis).
To discuss the geology and tectonics of Tomini Bay, the volcanism of Mt. Colo/Una-Una, and the earthquake and tsunami potential in this region, as well as in commemoration of the 77th independence of the Republic of Indonesia, ITS Geophysical Engineering in collaboration with MAGETI held a Webinar:
“Geologi dan Tektonik Teluk Tomini dan Implikasinya terhadap Kebencanaan Geologi”
which will be opened by speech from: Ilham Lawidu (Wakil Bupati Tojo Una-Una)
and the resource speakers are: Awang Satyana (Independen Geologist)
Purnama Sanjaya (Pusat Riset Sumber Daya Geologi BRIN)
Supartoyo (PVMBG Badan Geologi, Kementerian ESDM)
as moderator there will be: Retno Anjarwati (Univ. Mulawarman)
This virtual event will be held on:
Day/Date: Friday, 12 August 2022
Time: 13.30-15.30 WIB
Zoom ID: 947-404-697-19
#tojounauna #bencanageologi #tektonik
#teluktomini #brin #pvmbg #universitasmulawarman #webinar
Musim hujan datang, selalu ada bencana banjir di berbagai provinsi di Indonesia. Sebagian besar media memberitakan kejadian banjir dimana
Departemen Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan Webinar dengan topik “PEMETAAN BENCANA” mengundang para pakar: Opening Speech : Dr. Farida Rachmawati,
Perusahaan eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas dapat menjaga margin keuntungan yang stabil dengan memanfaatkan data real-time dalam pemantauan