Student Resource Development


    The Student Resource Development Department is a department engaged in the development of HIMAGE-ITS members and mapping and monitoring the distribution of HIMAGE-ITS members who contribute both to the internal realm of HIMAGE-ITS and outside of HIMAGE-ITS.


    Creating dedicated student resources, skilled in soft skills, competent and useful for the alma mater.


    1. Optimizing student resource development activities
    2. Organizing PPSDM socialization
    3. Developing HIMAGE-ITS members according to their potential
    4. Mapping and monitoring to support the achievements of HIMAGE-ITS members



    Training to train students’ abilities in managing an event systematically, effectively and efficiently.

    Development School

    Activities for ordinary HIMAGE-ITS members are in the form of knowledge or knowledge regarding student resource development


    The event symbolizing the change in the status of young HIMAGE-ITS members (Participants in the 2020 METAMORFOSIS regeneration) to become regular members of HIMAGE-ITS

    Student Mapping and Monitoring Index (IP2M)

    An activity to map young members and recommend them, and monitoring to ordinary members who have contributed in internal and external to the association.

    Student Resource Development Patterns (PPSDM)

    Socialization related to PPSDM academic manuscripts that have been compiled by the PPSDM Review Team includes counseling and intelligence
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