Expected Learning Outcame

A. Able to apply mathematics, science, and engineering knowledge in the fields of geodesy, surveying, hydrography, remote sensing, photogrammetry, geographic information systems, and cadastral to gain a thorough understanding of the engineering principle.

B. Able to design survey and mapping activities using the latest technology in the fields of geodesy, surveying, hydrographic, remote sensing, photogrammetry, and cadastral.

C. Able to identify, formulate, analyze and solve problems in the fields of geodesy, surveying, hydrographic, remote sensing, photogrammetry, and cadastral.

D. Able to perform spatial data acquisition using modern measurement methods, geospatial data processing, using industry standard software, and making standard designs and analyzes in the fields of geodesy, surveying, hydrography, remote sensing, photogrammetry, and cadastral

E. Able to apply information & communication technology and the latest technological developments in the fields of geodesy, surveying, hydrographic, remote sensing, photogrammetry, geographic information systems, and cadastral

F. Able to compile scientific reports and provide solutions based on leadership, creativity and communication skills and being responsible for the work done

G. Able to plan, perform and evaluate the process of surveying and mapping activities using the latest technology in the fields of geodesy, surveying, hydrographic, remote sensing, photogrammetry, and cadastral

H. Able to work in inter-disciplinary and inter-cultural teams so they can compete at national and international levels

I. Able to be responsible to the community and adhere to professional ethics in solving technical problems in the fields of geodesy, surveying, hydrographic, remote sensing, photogrammetry, geographic information systems, and cadastral

J. Able to apply the concepts of management, entrepreneurship, innovation based on the latest technology, sustainable and environmentally perspective

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