Welcome to the Department of Geomatics Engineering (DTG), Faculty of Civil Engineering, Planning, and Earth Sciences (FTSPK), Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS).
Geomatics Engineering is a very important discipline in the development of technology and infrastructure today. In a rapidly evolving world, the role of Geomatics is crucial, from mapping, terrestrial surveys, marine surveys, spatial analysis, to geospatial data management and applications. Here at DTG, we are committed to continuously innovating and producing graduates who are ready to face the challenges of the times with reliable technical skills.
DTG-ITS offers 5 areas of interest:
- Geoinformatics
- Geodesy and Geodynamics
- Geospatial
- Surveying and Cadastre
- Geomarine
DTG offers undergraduate (S1), master’s (S2), and doctoral (S3) programs. The undergraduate program has been internationally accredited by the Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE) and is accredited with “Excellent” by the LAM-Teknik. Our Master’s (S2) program has achieved the highest national accreditation “Excellent” from LAM-Teknik and international ASIIN accreditation. This achievement reflects our commitment to academic excellence and global standards. Our Doctoral (S3) program has earned an accreditation of “Very Good” from LAM-Teknik.
With a spirit of collaboration and commitment from the entire academic community, alumni, and all stakeholders, we can collectively realize the vision and mission of our beloved DTG. May Allah SWT ease and bless our journey.
Surabaya, January 2, 2025
Warm regards,
Dr. Khomsin, ST., MT.
Head of the Department of Geomatics Engineering
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya