Matruculation Announcement


Based on the results of the IABEE International Accreditation visitation for the 2021/2022 cycle, the direction of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Civil, Planning and Earth and the results of the Department’s work meeting, all prospective graduates of the Geomatics Engineering Bachelor Program are declared to require additional mastery of Basic Science Courses. For this reason, all students who use the 2022 Curriculum are required to take part in the Matriculation of Basic Science Courses where the list of subjects and participants for matriculation is determined by the Department, as follows:

No Courses SKS

Earth Science


Wave Physics


Linear Algebra


Geometry Analytical


Implementation Schedule     : 30 May – 27 June 2022 (Announcement) (Schedule).

Participant                                :  ( Announcement )

Matriculation graduation will be used as one of the requirements to take part in the ITS Geomatics Engineering Study Program Graduation Yudisium.

Thus for your attention, thank you.

Based on the Head of Department Circular Number: 3008/IT2.IX.3.1.5/T/TU.00.08/2022 Regarding Notification of Matriculation Activities Implementation and evaluation results for each Subject Learning Outcome (CPMK), the Head of the ITS Geomatics Engineering Department determines the graduation results for participants of the ITS 2022 Geomatics Engineering Basic Science Course Matriculation activity. Participants who pass will receive a Matriculation Pass Certificate (SKL) in accordance with applicable regulations which will then be used as one of the graduation requirements for the ITS Geomatics Engineering Undergraduate Study Program.

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