Graduate Learning Outcomes

Graduate Learning Outcomes

Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL)
AAble to demonstrate attitudes and character that reflect: devotion to God Almighty, ethics and integrity, having noble character, being sensitive and caring about social and environmental problems, respecting cultural differences and pluralism, upholding law enforcement, prioritizing the interests of the nation and wider community, through creativity and innovation, excellence, strong leadership, synergy, and other potential to achieve maximum results.
BAble to develop new theories/conceptions/ideas and solve scientific and/or technological problems in the fields of geodesy, surveying, hydrography, remote sensing, photogrammetry, geographic information systems, and cadastre through research with an inter, multi and transdisciplinary approach to produce creative work, original, and tested in the form of dissertations and papers that have been published in reputable international journals.
CAble to manage one's own learning, and develop oneself as a lifelong learner to compete at national and international levels, in order to make a real contribution to solving problems by implementing information and communication technology and paying attention to sustainability principles.
DAble to manage one's own learning, and develop oneself as a lifelong learner to compete at national and international levels, in order to make a real contribution to solving problems by implementing information and communication technology and paying attention to sustainability principles.
EAble to plan, implement, evaluate processes and lead survey and mapping activities using the latest technology in the fields of geodesy, surveying, hydrography, remote sensing, photogrammetry and cadastre as well as building networks between scientific fields.
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