5th Geomatics International Conference (GeoICON) 2020 | Call for paper
Dear Colleagues, We coordialy invite you to attend the 5th Geomatics International Conference (GeoICON). The theme of this seminar is about Geospatial Technology for Mapping the Future: Implementation and Development For Building Information Modellig (BIM). This seminar aims to accomodate an integration forum that brings practitioners, academics and researchers to share knowledge and research while discussing development of latest science and technology, as well as the potential idea to support and resolve social and environmental problems regards to support BIM. Contributions may be theoretical, methodological, or applied science and technology that covered by the topics as follows:
• Geodesy and Geomatics • Geology and Geophysics • Spatial Data Infrastucture • Geography and Urban environment • Agriculture and Forestry • Mining and Energy • Cadastral Mapping • Marine Environment
Fullpaper written in English and submitted in our official website:Â https://elib.its.ac.id/conf/geoicon/
Important dates Fullpaper Submission Deadline : July 15th, 2020 Notification of fullpaper and poster acceptance : July 23th, 2020 Conference Date : August 26th, 2020
Selected papers will be published in IOP Proceeding or Journal indexed by Scopus
Thank You, Best Regards Scientific and Organizing Committe The 5th Geomatics International Conference (GeoICON) 2020 Department of Geomatics Engineering Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
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