Alumni Association


Ikatan Alumni Geodesi dan Geomatika ITS, which is well-known as IKA GEOITS is a forum for the alumni of Department of Geomatics Engineering (includes formerly the alumni of Department of Geodetic Engineering ITS) ITS Surabaya for discussing, organizing, and delivering their aspirations. IKA GEOITS is an unseparated part of its almamater, Department of Geomatics Engineering, which its members are the graduates from Department of Geomatics Engineering, includes formerly the alumni of Department of Geodetic Engineering ITS. IKA GEOITS has participated in many acitivities for the development of Department of Geomatics Engineering, not only by giving feedbacks for curriculum development but also delivering the information of job vacancy, and financial supports for many activities in the department.


IKA GEOITS as the organization which honours the cohesiveness among the alumni of Department of Geomatics Engineering ITS, having the integrity for advancing the almamater, stakeholder, professional world, and strong entrepreneurship as the efforts to develop the Country and Nations of Indonesia


  1. Actualize the cohesiveness among the alumni and gives obvious contributions for Department of Geomatics Engineering ITS.
  2. Strengthens the network among the alumni in professional world, university, entrepreneurship, and government institutions to improve career potential and enterprise world
  3. Becoming the organization which brings up the name of ITS as one of notable university by prioritizing technology and expertise development.
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