
Laboratorium Geomarin

Vision :

  • To become a national and international standard laboratory in the development of science and technology in the marine, onshore, offshore, and inshore field

Mision :

  • Carrying out the teaching and education process in the field of marine survey and mapping
  • Carrying out quality research in the utilization and development of science and technology in the field of marine survey and mapping
  • Carrying out community service activities in the utilization and development of science and technology in the field of marine survey and mapping
  • Forging industrial cooperation and partnerships with various government and private institutions both at home and abroad

Aim :

  • To develop science and technology in the field of marine survey and mapping
  • To produce scientific and innovative works in the marine sector and in accordance with geomatics science in the field of marine survey and mapping

Some of the research topics conducted by lecturers at the Geomarin Laboratory include :

  • Analysis of the Impact of Coastal Accretion and Abrasion on the Development Direction of the Surabaya City Coastal Zone – Gresik, 2020
  • Some of the research topics conducted by lecturers at the Geomarin Laboratory include: Analysis of the Impact of Coastal Accretion and Abrasion on the Development Direction of the Surabaya City Coastal Zone – Gresik, 2020 Analysis of Conditions and Potential Impacts of Inundation Flood (ROB) Due to Sea Level Rise in the Coastal Waters of the City of Surabaya, 2019
  • Evaluation of Land Cover in Coastal and Marine Areas in the Waters of Lamong Bay due to Sidoarjo Mud Disposal, 2019
  • Evaluation of Land Cover in Coastal and Marine Areas in the Waters of Lamong Bay due to Sidoarjo Mud Disposal, 2018

Several community service activities carried out by the Geomarin Laboratory, including :

  • Provision of Marine Basic Data for the Development of Marine and Fisheries Potentials in Campurejo Village, Panceng District,  Gresik Regency, 2020

  • Training on Making a Land Database Result of Land Acquisition Outside the Map of the Affected Areas of Sidoarjo Mud, 2019

  • Several community service activities carried out by the Geomarin Laboratory, including: Provision of Marine Basic Data for the Development of Marine and Fisheries Potentials in Campurejo Village, Panceng District, Gresik Regency, 2020 Training on Making a Land Database Result of Land Acquisition Outside the Map of the Affected Areas of Sidoarjo Mud, 2019 Inventory of Village Tourism Potential as an Effort to Improve Community Welfare in the Delegan Gresik Coastal Area, East Java, 2018

Current activities
Participating in the 2019 Multispectral Challenge Research Competition held by R2Sonic with the following research topics:

  • Simulated Gas Seep (Khomsin, S.T., M.T.)
  • Suspended Sediment (Irena Hana Hariyanto, S.T.)
  • Eel Grass (Moniq Fransiska)

Industrial and Agency Cooperation :

  1. TU Delft
  2. Petrokimia Gresik
  3. PLN Pusenlis (Pusat Enjiniring Ketenagalistrikan)
  4. Bappeda Kabupaten Lumajang
  5. Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Provinsi Jawa Timur
  6. Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
  7. Pusat Penanggulangan Lumpur Sidoarjo, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, Provinsi Jawa Timur
  8. Pelabuhan Indonesia (PELINDO) III
  9. PT Alur Pelayaran Barat Surabaya (APBS)
  10. Distrik Navigasi, Perhubungan Laut
  11. Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)
  12. Lembaga Antariksa dan Penerbangan Nasional (LAPAN)
  13. Pusat Hidrografi dan Oseanografi (Pushidrosal)
  14. Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG)
  15. R2Sonic
  16. PT. Geotronix Pratama Indonesia

Cooperation with the Association :

  1. Dewan Hidrografi Indonesia
  2. Dewan Geomatika Indonesia
  3. Masyarakat Penginderaan Jauh Indonesia (MAPIN)
  4. Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia (ISI)
  5. American Geophysics Union (AGU)
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