
Geomatics Engineering Department Library

The reading room in the Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK) is managed by the faculty with efficiency considerations due to the characteristics of the department in a similar environment, namely the maritime sector.

The reading room, which is located on the 3rd floor GM Building of the ITS Sukolilo Campus, can be accessed by the entire academic community. This reading room has a wide collection of books in the field of Geodesy and Mapping Surveys, Geodynamic and Environmental Studies, Geospatial, Cadastre, Land and Property Information Systems, Geoinformatics. Marine Geodesy, Hydrographic Survey and Oceanographic Studies, seminar proceedings, scientific journals and knowledge magazines. This reading room is also equipped with computer devices to access collections owned, a connection with the central library (ITS) Link.

Service Hours:

Monday – Friday : 08.00 – 16.00

Saturday, Sunday, and red holidays


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