We are proud to host the students from SMA Islam Athirah Makassar at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Planning, and Earth Sciences! 🙌 The Department of Geomatics Engineering had the pleasure of introducing various tools and technologies used in the field of geomatics.
The event was officially opened by the Dean of FTSPK, Dr. Ir. Murni Rachmawati, M.T., followed by an introduction from each department within FTSPK, and a faculty tour full of exciting insights! 🌍
We hope this visit provides new knowledge and inspiration to the students about the world of engineering, especially geomatics, and motivates them to pursue their dreams in higher education. May this visit be the first step towards a bright future full of achievements! 🚀💡
👨🏫 Dr. Khomsin, ST, MT Head of the Department of Geomatics Engineering (2025–2029) 👨🏫 Dr.-Ing. Noorlaila Hayati. ST. MT
We proudly congratulate Prof. Dr. Eko Yuli Handoko, ST, MT on his remarkable achievement of being appointed as a
We proudly celebrate the remarkable achievements of our esteemed lecturers from the who have been entrusted with important new