
Has earned a Doctorate in Marine Engineering and Management

Wed, 25 Sep 2024
3:27 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geomatika   |

Congratulations to Dr. Khomsin, ST, MT from the Geomarine Lab on earning his Doctorate in Ocean Engineering and Management!

May your expertise continue to inspire and contribute to the advancement of our department and the broader ocean sciences. Your knowledge is a valuable asset in navigating the challenges and innovations of the marine world. We’re excited to see how your work will make waves in both academia and the industry!

Selamat kepada Dr. Khomsin, ST, MT dari Lab Geomarin atas gelar barunya sebagai Doktor di Bidang Ocean Engineering and Management!

Semoga keilmuan yang telah diraih dapat terus menginspirasi dan memberikan kontribusi besar bagi kemajuan departemen serta ilmu pengetahuan. Kami yakin, pengetahuan yang didapatkan akan menjadi aset berharga dalam menghadapi tantangan dan inovasi di dunia maritim dan kelautan. Kami nantikan karya bapak yang akan membawa perubahan baik di akademik, keilmuan maupun industri!

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