From right to left, Arika Nur Indrayani, Yoga Bekti Susanto, and Andi Setyo Bekti, students from the Industrial Chemical Engineering Department of 2020, successfully won second place in LKTI and Best Presentation at Mataram University.
ITS campus, Vokasi News – A team of students from the Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) successfully achieved outstanding results by winning second place in two categories at the Scientific Writing Competition organized by the Fisheries Student Association (HIPAMIKA) of Mataram University, which held its final offline on December 16-18, 2022. A member of the ITS DTKI LKTI group, Arika Nur Indrayani, stated that the award of second place and Best Presentation, which was led by Yoga Bekti Susanto, was won by ITS by defeating around 129 teams and successfully entered the final round to win two categories at once.
The competition, which was held under the theme of utilizing natural resources to realize the blue economy, is in line with the deep thinking and analysis of the ITS DTKI team. The ITS DTKI team proposed that electricity should be converted to use biomass as a source, one of which is using Algae plants that can be found in almost all Indonesian waters.
With the title ALCOSTOREC`S: INNOVATION OF ALGAE AS INDUSTRIAL MARITIME ENERGY STORAGE TO REALIZE NET ZERO EMISSION 2050 BASED ON CIRCULAR ECONOMY, the ITS DTKI team successfully won not only the second place but also the Best Presentation at the national level. The offline final was very exciting and left a deep impression, because of the many high-quality competitors from all over Indonesia.
Initiation of collaborative discussions with the Provincial Government’s DPMPTSP. Jakarta Special Region. This discussion was initiated by the
Prof. Adjie Pamungkas, S.T., M. Dev.Plg., Ph.D. (Dean of CIVPLAN ITS) and his staff, while from PT Adhi Karya
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has long been a crucible for future leaders, particularly through the Faculty of Intelligent