
Department History

Departemen Teknik Sistem dan Industri

Industrial Engineering Program was established in 1985, under SK Dirjen DIKTI No. 048/DJ/Kep/1985. Based on Sk Dirjen DIKTI No. 89/DIKTI/Kep/1996 that released in 1996, Industrial Engineering Program changed its name to Industrial and Systems Engineering Department.

Industrial and Systems Engineering Department become the largest Department in ITS and has successfully obtained “A” score accreditation from BAN-PT (National Board of Accreditation) at 2011. Industrial and Systems Engineering Department has also received accreditation from AUN QA at ASEAN and ABET levels (Accredited Board of Engineering and Technology) from the USA.

Industrial and Systems Engineering Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) became one of the best industrial engineering majors in Indonesia. The international climate is deeply felt in this department because it has established an international undergraduate program (S1) in 2019. It encourages students involved in global experiences and becomes a motor of internationalization activities in ITS. Industrial Engineering alumni have reached more than 1000 professionals spread across national and international industry sectors.

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