ALTIUS is an abbreviation of ALumni Teknik Industri, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya. ALTIUS is a brand for the Aumni ITS Association commissariat majoring in Industrial Engineering (ITKA ITKA IKA). ALTIUS is a place for ITS IT alumni spread throughout Indonesia, even the entire world, to work and serve for the progress of the alma mater, society, nation and country.
The word ALTIUS is taken from Latin which means “higher or higher”. This word was inspired by the Olympic motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius” which means “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.
What is meant by ITS IT Alumni are those who have completed educational programs in the Department of Industrial Engineering, the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS). ALTIUS which is the only ITS IT Alumni organization whose existence represents and names IT ITS Alumni. ALTIUS is the Commissariat of the Department of Industrial Engineering (KomJur IT) as an inseparable part of the ITS Alumni Association organizational structure.
By choosing ALTIUS as the brand of IT IT IKA, ITS Industrial Engineering alumni are expected to be able to work, serve higher and contribute higher and higher, for the progress and welfare of fellow alumni, Industrial Engineering alma mater, ITS, the surrounding community, and this nation and country that we love
ALTIUS was founded on November 7, 2015 for an unlimited time. With the ALTIUS organizational structure for the period 2015 – 2019 the following are:
Executive Chair: Hesti Nugrahani (TI-1988)
Executive Secretary: Dedy Bijakso (TI-1988)
Deputy I Alumni Individual Development: Totok Triyono (TI-1986)
1.1. Division of Membership Data and Work Information Center
Coordinator: M. Albatros (TI-1985)
1.2. Youth Alumni Potential Development Division
Coordinator: Uyan S. Askam (TI-1986)
1.3. Division of Family and Family Development
Coordinator: Sri Yudia Lusinawati (TI-1986)
Deputy II for Alumni Organization Development: Fadjar Hutomo (TI-1990)
2.1. Division of Strengthening Information and Social Media
Coordinator: Eko Sumargo (TI-1990)
2.2. Campus and Student Relations Division
Coordinator: Iman Surya Diangga (TI-2009)
2.3. External Relations & Partnership Division
Coordinator: Bayu Suryawan (TI-1988)
Deputy III for Social and Industrial Contributions: Rachmad Hidayat (TI-1991)
3.1. Scientific Contribution Development Division
Coordinator: Iwan Vanany (TI-1991)
3.2. Scholarship Excavation and Social Contribution Division
Coordinator: Yeni Widayanti (TI-1992)
3.3. Organization Funding and Entrepreneurship Division
Coordinator: David Rahadian (TI-1991)
ALTIUS … higher, higher, unifier
Sosmed ALTIUS: