Increasing the amount of waste that can damage the environment, making waste export activities
Since 1985, at the beginning of the establishment of DTSI, there have been many
Berikut ini perubahan Kalender Akademik ITS tahun 2020-2021.
In connection with the implementation of online lectures, both for lecturers and students, starting
Muhammad Afif Purwandi won the third best predicate in the 2019 National Achievement Student
Penyambutan mahasiwa Studi Ekskursi TI-29 (2013) oleh ALTIUS
ALTIUS ITS “RAMADHAN BERBAGI” : Ayo Cak & Ning Alumni Teknik Industri ITS, mari
SURABAYA, INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOPEMBER – Semangat untuk terus memberikan dampak positif bagi lingkungan sekitarnya