Education Staff


Name :   Lusiana Ariesanti
NPP :   –
Position :   Head of Administration
E-mail :   lusi[at]
  1. Carry out general administration management (correspondence, archives, and media publications) within the scope of the work unit
  2. Follow routine coordination with the head of the division within the scope of work
  3. Follow routine coordination with the head of the work unit according to the scope of work
  4. Carry out the direction and duties of the work unit leadership related to work unit service programs and operations
  5. Carry out routine coordination with all educational staff in the work unit
  6. Carry out direction and monitoring of work processes and evaluate work results for all positions within the scope of work
  7. Monitoring and evaluating the attendance and utilization of educational staff working hours within the scope of work
  8. Provide assistance, reprimand, and/or sanctions related to the discipline of education personnel in accordance with staffing regulations
  9. Carry out performance appraisals of every educational staff within the scope of work
  10. Carry out monitoring and submission of personnel administration for every educational staff within the scope of work
  11. Participate in coordination with other work units related to work unit service programs and operations
  12. Evaluating standard operating procedures and technical instructions for implementing service processes related to the scope of work
  13. Checking the draft and submitting the Decree of the Dean/Rector for activities within the scope of the Faculty/Institut
  14. Checking drafts and submitting a Faculty/Institute Certificate for activities within the Faculty/Institut
  15. Carry out planning, monitoring, and evaluating work unit operational service agendas
  16. Assist in the implementation of every process and service of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education within the scope of the work unit
  17. Carry out planning, monitoring, and evaluation of all administrative processes and utilization, as well as maintenance of infrastructure facilities within the scope of the work unit
  18. Carry out planning, monitoring, and evaluation of all personnel administration processes within the scope of the work unit
  19. Assist in planning, monitoring, and evaluating all financial administration processes within the work unit
  20. Assist in planning, monitoring, and evaluating all administrative processes for procurement and supply of work materials within the scope of the work unit
  21. Carry out monitoring and evaluation of security and safety risks along with K3 facilities within the scope of the work unit
  22. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
Name :   Marlina Auliawati
NPP :   –
Position :   Financial Management
E-mail :   marlina.aulia[at]
  1. Disbursement of UMK
  2. Distribute unit funds according to needs/demands
  3. Make tax deposits from transactions made
  4. Scan and document Tax Payment Letter (SSP)
  5. Entering data and uploading a tax deposit letter to the Finance SIM
  6. Submit a tax deposit letter to the Expenditure Treasurer
  7. Make a list of monthly SPJ
  8. Prepare and process accountability letters (SPJ)
  9. Make financial records to daily journals and ledgers
  10. Entering financial data via SIM Finance
  11. Prepare financial accountability reports
  12. Submit and explain monthly SPJ details to the Commitment Making Officer (PPK)
  13. Submit and explain monthly SPJ details to the Internal Audit Office
  14. Return the remaining unit funds through the bank to the account of the Vice Chancellor II
  15. Reporting financial records to management periodically
  16. Store and maintain budget expenditure documents
  17. Help maintain all forms of evaluation of the learning process according to assignments by the Head of the Department, including Mid-Semester Evaluation, Quiz, Final Semester Evaluation.
  18. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
  19. Participate in regular coordination meetings in work units
  20. Prepare RBA and UMK drafts and submit to Unit Leaders
  21. Entering the RBA and UMK applications through the Finance SIM
    Check and pay bills
  22. Prepare the Tax Payment Letter (SSP) document
Name :   Buchari
NPP :   –
Position :   Laboratory Technician
E-mail :   buchs[at]
  1. Carry out periodic maintenance for tools/materials/facilities contained in the laboratory
  2. Propose periodic procurement, replacement, or repair of laboratory equipment/materials/facilities/spare parts
  3. Serving the use or borrowing of laboratory equipment/materials/facilities in accordance with applicable procedures
  4. Propose calibration of laboratory equipment/facilities periodically or when necessary
  5. Develop and update work procedures and use of tools/materials/facilities in the laboratory
  6. Install safety signs and work procedures on every tool or work facility
  7. Ensure that all users of tools/materials/facilities use personal protective equipment when working in the laboratory
  8. Help prepare tools/materials/facilities for each practical activity
  9. Provide instructions for the use of tools/materials/work facilities to each user
  10. Carry out troubleshooting of equipment/facility problems/interferences in the laboratory
  11. Assist in scheduling the use of laboratory space/tools/facilities according to work unit priorities or policies
  12. Documenting the practicum module and assisting in updating the practicum module
  13. Submitting consumables for practical or research activities in the laboratory
  14. Assist in making Laboratory SPJ for operational activities and Laboratory development
  15. Provide data collection or sample testing services related to research or industrial services
  16. Help make reports/test results in data collection activities or sample testing in the laboratory
  17. Assist in collecting the results of practicum or research activities in the laboratory
  18. Assist in the management of laboratory inventory data
  19. Prepare activity data and utilization of laboratory equipment/materials/facilities for audit/work unit accreditation purposes
  20. Implementing the 5S or 5R program to maintain tidiness, cleanliness, and order in the laboratory
  21. Implementing the Work Safety program to maintain the security and safety of all activities in the Laboratory
  22. Follow routine coordination with the head of the laboratory and other laboratory members
  23. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
Name :   Suef
NPP :   –
Position :   Facilities and Infrastructure Maintenance Technician
E-mail :   suef[at]
  1. Submit a plan for the procurement of facilities and infrastructure maintenance in the work unit
  2. Prepare documents for procurement of goods/services for facilities and infrastructure maintenance in the work unit
  3. Supervise the maintenance/development process by a 3rd party
  4. Conduct inspections of goods/services from the process of procurement of facilities and infrastructure maintenance
  5. Checking and maintaining projectors in the work unit area
  6. Prepare facilities and infrastructure for the courtroom/auditorium/hall for work unit activities
  7. Carry out periodic inspections of classroom and office facilities and infrastructure
  8. Recap the utility of the use of space in the work unit
  9. Documenting and repairing classroom and office facilities that have the potential to cause hazards (fires, falls, contamination, and electrocution)
  10. Checking and proposing the procurement of K3 equipment within the work unit (Evacuation Instructions, APAR, Hydrant, and Emergency Door)
  11. Help maintain all forms of evaluation of the learning process according to assignments by the Head of the Department, including Mid-Semester Evaluation, Quiz, Final Semester Evaluation
  12. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
  13. Participate in regular coordination meetings in work units
  14. Propose the procurement of spare components for classroom and office facilities
  15. Report regularly the status and condition of facilities and infrastructure
  16. Repair or replace damaged classroom and office facilities
  17. Propose repairs or maintenance of damaged classroom and office infrastructure through the Directorate. PPSP
  18. Reporting electricity and water disturbances to Dit.PPSP
  19. Looking for a car/bus that can be borrowed if the ITS guest vehicle is not available
  20. Delivering leadership guests using ITS guest vehicles
  21. Prepare the official vehicle
Name :   Bagus Nugroho
NPP :   –
Position :   Information Technology Installation Manager
E-mail :   bagus.n[at]
  1. Perform installation and maintenance of network devices within the work unit area
  2. Checking and maintaining access points in the work unit area
  3. Checking and maintaining computers and/or servers in the work unit area
  4. Installing and updating software required by work units/employees
  5. Proposing renewal/procurement of ICT equipment at the work unit level
  6. Inventory and report items and tools available in the unit’s server room
  7. Documenting network admin activities
  8. Develop and maintain a work unit website in accordance with the needs of the work unit
  9. Updating work unit website content
  10. Manage server hosting work units available at ITS data center services
  11. Creating print publication media for promotion of work unit programs/activities
  12. Coordinate with DPTSI regarding the escalation of complaints and ICT service constraints
  13. Assist in the implementation of ITS ICT services at the work unit level including student users
  14. Assist in the implementation of e-Learning at the departmental level
  15. Assisting the implementation of e-Office at the work unit level
  16. Help maintain all forms of evaluation of the learning process according to assignments by the Head of the Department, including Mid-Semester Evaluation, Quiz, Final Semester Evaluation
  17. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
  18. Participate in regular coordination meetings in work units
Name :   Miyono
NPP :   –
Position :   Security/Parking Officer
E-mail :   miyono[at]
  1. Maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of the work unit parking area
  2. Regulate vehicle parking order in the parking area/work unit area
  3. Checking vehicle documents that leave the parking area/work unit area
  4. Regulating vehicle traffic in the work unit environment
  5. Maintain security and safety in the work unit environment
  6. Record and report the situation and condition of campus security and safety in the logbook
  7. Coordinate with SKK officers at the central post if they find a special incident
  8. Documenting and reporting potential hazards in the work unit environment
  9. Participate in regular coordination meetings in work units
  10. Checking and supervising vehicles in the parking area/work unit area
  11. Give warnings to users who violate
  12. Checking the room at the end of working hours
  13. Carry out initial rescue actions in an emergency
  14. Directing building occupants to assembly points in an emergency
  15. Help maintain all forms of evaluation of the learning process according to assignments by the Head of the Department, including Mid-Semester Evaluation, Quiz, Final Semester Evaluation
  16. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
Name :   Budi Rianto
NPP :   –
Position :   Security/Parking Officer
E-mail :   rianto[at]
  1. Maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of the work unit parking area
  2. Regulate vehicle parking order in the parking area/work unit area
  3. Checking vehicle documents that leave the parking area/work unit area
  4. Regulating vehicle traffic in the work unit environment
  5. Maintain security and safety in the work unit environment
  6. Record and report the situation and condition of campus security and safety in the logbook
  7. Coordinate with SKK officers at the central post if they find a special incident
  8. Documenting and reporting potential hazards in the work unit environment
  9. Participate in regular coordination meetings in work units
  10. Checking and supervising vehicles in the parking area/work unit area
  11. Give warnings to users who violate
  12. Checking the room at the end of working hours
  13. Carry out initial rescue actions in an emergency
  14. Directing building occupants to assembly points in an emergency
  15. Help maintain all forms of evaluation of the learning process according to assignments by the Head of the Department, including Mid-Semester Evaluation, Quiz, Final Semester Evaluation
  16. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
Name :  Debbye Violga Nurdiatna
NPP :   –
Position :  Laboratory Technician
E-mail :  [at]
  1. Carry out periodic maintenance for tools/materials/facilities contained in the laboratory
  2. Propose periodic procurement, replacement, or repair of laboratory equipment/materials/facilities/spare parts
  3. Serving the use or borrowing of laboratory equipment/materials/facilities in accordance with applicable procedures
  4. Propose calibration of laboratory equipment/facilities periodically or when necessary
  5. Develop and update work procedures and use of tools/materials/facilities in the laboratory
  6. Install safety signs and work procedures on every tool or work facility
  7. Ensure that all users of tools/materials/facilities use personal protective equipment when working in the laboratory
  8. Help prepare tools/materials/facilities for each practical activity
  9. Provide instructions for the use of tools/materials/work facilities to each user
  10. Carry out troubleshooting of equipment/facility problems/interferences in the laboratory
  11. Assist in scheduling the use of laboratory space/tools/facilities according to work unit priorities or policies
  12. Documenting the practicum module and assisting in updating the practicum module
  13. Submitting consumables for practical or research activities in the laboratory
  14. Assist in making Laboratory SPJ for operational activities and Laboratory development
  15. Provide data collection or sample testing services related to research or industrial services
  16. Help make reports/test results in data collection activities or sample testing in the laboratory
  17. Assist in collecting the results of practicum or research activities in the laboratory
  18. Assist in the management of laboratory inventory data
  19. Prepare activity data and utilization of laboratory equipment/materials/facilities for audit/work unit accreditation purposes
  20. Implementing the 5S or 5R program to maintain tidiness, cleanliness, and order in the laboratory
  21. Implementing the Work Safety program to maintain the security and safety of all activities in the Laboratory
  22. Follow routine coordination with the head of the laboratory and other laboratory members
  23. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
Name :   Novi Dwijayanti
NPP :   –
Position :   Laboratory Technician
E-mail :   novi_dwijayanti[at]
  1. Carry out periodic maintenance for tools/materials/facilities contained in the laboratory
  2. Propose periodic procurement, replacement, or repair of laboratory equipment/materials/facilities/spare parts
  3. Serving the use or borrowing of laboratory equipment/materials/facilities in accordance with applicable procedures
  4. Propose calibration of laboratory equipment/facilities periodically or when necessary
  5. Develop and update work procedures and use of tools/materials/facilities in the laboratory
  6. Install safety signs and work procedures on every tool or work facility
  7. Ensure that all users of tools/materials/facilities use personal protective equipment when working in the laboratory
  8. Help prepare tools/materials/facilities for each practical activity
  9. Provide instructions for the use of tools/materials/work facilities to each user
  10. Carry out troubleshooting of equipment/facility problems/interferences in the laboratory
  11. Assist in scheduling the use of laboratory space/tools/facilities according to work unit priorities or policies
  12. Documenting the practicum module and assisting in updating the practicum module
  13. Submitting consumables for practical or research activities in the laboratory
  14. Assist in making Laboratory SPJ for operational activities and Laboratory development
  15. Provide data collection or sample testing services related to research or industrial services
  16. Help make reports/test results in data collection activities or sample testing in the laboratory
  17. Assist in collecting the results of practicum or research activities in the laboratory
  18. Assist in the management of laboratory inventory data
  19. Prepare activity data and utilization of laboratory equipment/materials/facilities for audit/work unit accreditation purposes
  20. Implementing the 5S or 5R program to maintain tidiness, cleanliness, and order in the laboratory
  21. Implementing the Work Safety program to maintain the security and safety of all activities in the Laboratory
  22. Follow routine coordination with the head of the laboratory and other laboratory members
  23. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
Name :   Ken Ratri N.P.W
NPP :   –
Position :   Graduate Academic Administration
E-mail :   ken[at]
  1. Assist in the preparation of lecture schedules, lecture rooms, and course lecturers
  2. Prepare trusteeship schedule and inform trusteeship activities
  3. Updating lecture data on SIM ACADEMIC
  4. Prepare lecture control forms (meeting control sheets, student attendance lists, and lesson plans)
  5. Serving the administration of the Job Training proposal submission
  6. Monitoring and following up on the status of student practical work
  7. Assist in allocating practical work supervisors
  8. Recap the results of student practical work assessment
  9. Serving the administration of internship applications
  10. Assist in making reports on the progress of practical work and work internships
  11. Receive and recap the registration of the final project supervisor
  12. Receive and check the completeness of the proposal seminar file or final project session
  13. Assist in the preparation of a proposal seminar schedule or final project session
  14. Distribute documents for seminar proposals or final project sessions
  15. Prepare rooms and facilities for the implementation of seminars or final assignments
  16. Recap the grades and revise the results of the seminar or final project session
  17. Help make a progress report on the final project
  18. Helping to arrange a schedule for the Joint Evaluation of Lectures
  19. Prepare a package of Lecture Joint Evaluation questions
  20. Assist in supervising the Joint Evaluation of Lectures
  21. Recap and entry of the results of monitoring the realization of meetings for each course in the Academic SIM (list of attendance, conformity of RP, and number of meetings)
  22. Making reports of violations in the evaluation of learning for each subject
  23. Assist in submitting research/observation/visit permits to internal and external parties
  24. Provide information related to academic activities to lecturers and students
  25. Help provide information about departmental profiles and admission selection to prospective students
  26. Prepare administration and judicial implementation at the Department level
  27. Help collect student assignments
  28. Serving student academic SIM password changes
  29. Assist in the preparation of academic data for internal audit, organizational performance assessment, and departmental accreditation
  30. Help maintain all forms of evaluation of the learning process according to assignments by the Head of the Department, including Mid-Semester Evaluation, Quiz, Final Semester Evaluation
  31. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
  32. Participate in regular coordination meetings in work units
Name :   Yufincha MelyaFara
NPP :   –
Position :   Post-graduate Academic Administration
E-mail :   [at]
  1. Assist in the preparation of lecture schedules, lecture rooms, and course lecturers
  2. Prepare trusteeship schedule and inform trusteeship activities
  3. Updating lecture data on SIM ACADEMIC
  4. Prepare lecture control forms (meeting control sheets, student attendance lists, and lesson plans)
  5. Assisting in communication with teaching lecturers/supervisors as well as rescheduling time and place
  6. Receive and recap registration of Thesis / Dissertation supervisor
  7. Receive and check the completeness of the proposal seminar file or Thesis/Dissertation session
  8. Arrange a proposal seminar schedule or Thesis/Dissertation session
  9. Distribute seminar proposal documents or Thesis/Dissertation sessions
  10. Prepare rooms and facilities for conducting seminars or Thesis/Dissertation sessions
  11. Recap the grades and revise the results of the seminar or Thesis/Dissertation session
  12. Assist in making progress reports of Thesis/Dissertation
  13. Help prepare for the open trial for the Doctoral program
  14. Help arrange the schedule for Lecture Evaluation
  15. Prepare a package of Lecture Evaluation questions
  16. Assisting the supervision of Lecture Evaluation
  17. Conduct a recap of monitoring the realization of meetings for each subject (list of attendance, conformity of RP, number of meetings)
  18. Making reports of violations in the evaluation of learning for each subject
  19. Assist in submitting research/observation/visit permits to other agencies
  20. Provide information related to academic activities to lecturers and students
  21. Help provide information about departmental profiles and admission selection to prospective students
  22. Prepare administration and judicial implementation at the Department level
  23. Assist in the administration of registration and disbursement of scholarships (including foreign students)
  24. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
Name :   Heny Mayorita
NPP :   –
Position :   Post-graduate Academic Administration
E-mail :   henymayorita[at]
  1. Assist in the preparation of lecture schedules, lecture rooms, and course lecturers
  2. Prepare trusteeship schedule and inform trusteeship activities
  3. Updating lecture data on SIM ACADEMIC
  4. Prepare lecture control forms (meeting control sheets, student attendance lists, and lesson plans)
  5. Assisting in communication with teaching lecturers/supervisors as well as rescheduling time and place
  6. Receive and recap registration of Thesis / Dissertation supervisor
  7. Receive and check the completeness of the proposal seminar file or Thesis/Dissertation session
  8. Arrange a proposal seminar schedule or Thesis/Dissertation session
  9. Distribute seminar proposal documents or Thesis/Dissertation sessions
  10. Prepare rooms and facilities for conducting seminars or Thesis/Dissertation sessions
  11. Recap the grades and revise the results of the seminar or Thesis/Dissertation session
  12. Assist in making progress reports of Thesis/Dissertation
  13. Help prepare for the open trial for the Doctoral program
  14. Help arrange the schedule for Lecture Evaluation
  15. Prepare a package of Lecture Evaluation questions
  16. Assisting the supervision of Lecture Evaluation
  17. Conduct a recap of monitoring the realization of meetings for each subject (list of attendance, conformity of RP, number of meetings)
  18. Making reports of violations in the evaluation of learning for each subject
  19. Assist in submitting research/observation/visit permits to other agencies
  20. Provide information related to academic activities to lecturers and students
  21. Help provide information about departmental profiles and admission selection to prospective students
  22. Prepare administration and judicial implementation at the Department level
  23. Assist in the administration of registration and disbursement of scholarships (including foreign students)
  24. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
Name :   Irda Pramesti
NPP :   –
Position :   General Administration
E-mail :   irdapramesti[at]
  1. Carry out routine recording of asset/BMN status in the work unit
  2. Report asset/BMN status periodically through the Finance Bureau (Asset Inventory Subsection)
  3. Submitting the write-off of assets/BMN through the Finance Bureau (Asset Inventory Subsection)
  4. Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or help other co-workers
  5. Operate e-offices within the work unit
  6. Digitizing documents/letters in work units
  7. Assist in the preparation of SPJ documents in work units
  8. Prepare consumption activities in the work unit
  9. Submitting office stationery needs
  10. Schedule and prepare meeting/trial rooms for work unit activities
  11. Participate in regular coordination meetings in work units
  12. Help maintain all forms of evaluation of the learning process according to assignments by the Head of the Department, including Mid-Semester Evaluation, Quiz, Final Semester Evaluation
  13. Archive harcopy and softcopy documents of reports, accreditation forms, and policy documents within the scope of the Work Unit
  14. Archive the results of work unit meetings and work unit decision formulation activities
  15. Drafting and submitting official letters within the scope of the Work Unit
  16. Serving the making of a cover letter from the Work Unit for the purposes of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education
  17. Coordinate with the Faculty/Institute Caraka for sending letters/documents/goods
  18. Prepare Decree (SK) for activities within the scope of the Work Unit
  19. Entering the employees listed in the activity Decree (SK) into the Employment SIM (Online SK)
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