The Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department, better known as the Civil Engineering Associate Degree, Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is a vocational program that is more directed towards the application/application of scientific principles for practical purposes and with the main aim that graduates are ready to work.
Until now, the Civil Engineering Associate Degree has a history in conducting applied education programs with several levels:
The three year associate degree at ITS was initially established by the November 10th Technical College Foundation in Surabaya, on November 10, 1957 together with the establishment of ITS, which was originally called PAT (Education of Technical Specialists). Then based on SK. Minister of Education and Teaching No. 93367 / U.U, which was later updated through Decree. Minister of PDK No. 101250 / UU dated December 3, 1960. At that time five faculties were: Faculty of Civil Engineering (FTS), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FTM), Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FTK), Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FTE), Faculty of Shipping Engineering (FTP) .
In 1965 ITS opened 2 (two), new faculties, namely the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) and the Faculty of Architectural Engineering. Of the 7 (seven) Faculties that have 5 (five) Faculties of Engineering (PAT), namely FTS, FTM, FTK, FTE, and FTP. Then based on SK. Minister of Education and Culture No. 0557/0/1983 concerning the types and number of majors in Faculties in the ITS environment then changed to 4 Faculties namely: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI), Faculty of Civil Technology and Planning (FTSP), and Faculty of Technology Marine (FTK).
PAT’s existence is collected under the auspices of one management, namely the Non-Engineering Faculty (FNGT). At that time, FNGT was very focused on vocational education to face challenges in accordance with the needs that existed at that time. Many collaborations have been established, both with industry, local government and overseas cooperation. However, after several majors received a grant to be made a Polytechnic and also after the issuance of SK. Minister of Education and Culture No. 0312/0/1991 dated June 6, 1991, the existence of FNGT was dissolved and diploma education was returned to their respective departments until now.
Since 1975, the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning held a three year associate Public Works Education Program in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, a joint program of the Ministry of Public Works has been carried out for the Four Year Associate Degree (D IV) TPLP Program, DIV education cooperation with DIKMENJUR (Directorate of Vocational Secondary Education) through the PPPPTK / VEDC (Center for Development and Empowerment of Educators and Education Personnel / Vocational Education Development Center), in cooperation with the Four Regional Governments in Madura for Three Year Associate Degree (D III). From the collaboration, it has produced thousands of alumni, precisely 5,503 students up to the September 2014 graduation. This proves that the ITS Associate Degree in Civil Engineering has had experience in organizing vocational education in the field of civil engineering.
In the 2003-2007 period, the Civil Engineering Diploma Program received a Technological and Professional Skill Development Project (TPSDP) grant from the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education to improve the quality of Civil Engineering diploma education. The TPSDP program has improved the quality and capacity of Civil Engineering Diploma Programs to develop competitively. The results of the TPSDP program include the quality of lecturers with masters degrees that have increased at the end of the program, more complete educational support facilities, research, and community service, not only able to support the implementation of applied education programs (Diploma). Thus through the TPSDP program, the Diploma Program in Civil Engineering has been able to provide a very significant role in improving the quality of graduates in the global market. Since 2005 Diploma III Study Program (Three) Civil Engineering has been accredited with BAN-PT Dikti Decree No. 00457 / Ak-V / Dpl-III-012 / ITSLDS / X / 2005T and was accredited with Decree of BAN-PT Dikti No. 007 / BAN-PT / Ak-XII / Dpl-III / V / 2012.
With the issuance of a Diploma IV (Four) Program Implementation License (Minister of National Education Decree Number 382 / E / O / 2012 dated November 9, 2012) and accredited BAN PT SK Number 467 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / Dpl-IV / XII / 2014 , then in the 2013/2014 Odd Semester, the Civil Engineering Diploma Program has accepted students for Diploma IV Program (four) from semester 1. In accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 8 of 2012 concerning the IQF (Indonesian National Qualification Framework) and Minister of Education Circular No. 498 / E / T / 2011 that D-IV program graduates (four) are equivalent to S1 graduates, with a total credit of at least 144 SKS and taken in 4 (four) years. Graduates of the D-IV program (four) will receive a Bachelor of Applied Engineering (S.Tr.T). If the S-1 (Bachelor) program is an academic education program with a focus towards scientific development of science and research, the D-IV program (four) is a vocational program (applied) that is more towards the use / application / application of scientific principles and with the goal so that the graduates are better prepared to work in the world of Civil Engineering.