Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission of ITS


ITS become a university with an international reputation in science, technology, and arts, especially those that support environmentally friendly industrial and marine development.


  1. Organizing efficient higher education to produce international standard graduates; carry out research and development of science, technology and art, and carry out innovative activities and transfer of technology for the benefit of humans;
  2. Build capacity as a source and network institution for the expansion of educational and research activities;
  3. Cultivating and maintaining academic, ethical and religious morals for the development of human civilization; implementing higher education management based on the principles of economics and accountability

Sumber : Website ITS

Visi dan Misi Departemen


The Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering, FV ITS, has become a leading department in the field of civil infrastructure in Indonesia, especially those that support the development of environmentally sound industry and marine through vocational channels.


  1. Organizing quality diploma, applied undergraduate, applied master and doctoral education of quality to produce professional graduates who are moral, technopreneurship spirit, certified and able to compete in national and global markets;
  2. Carrying out applied research in the field of civil infrastructure engineering that supports the development of industry and marine with an environmental perspective through vocational channels;
  3. Networking with stakeholders in the framework of institutional development and participation through vocational channels in solving real problems in the industrial world and society.


The values ​​that the Civil Infrastructure Engineering Department wants to instill are:

  1. Ethics and Integrity; in social life, as a state, and in carrying out their profession, always adhere to the norms and regulations that apply in society, the state and religion
  2. Creativity and Innovation; always looking for new ideas to produce innovations in carrying out their duties / roles better
  3. Excellence; strive for maximum to achieve perfect results
  4. Strong leadership; demonstrate behavior that is visionary, creative, innovative, hardworking, daring to make changes for the better, and is responsible
  5. Synergy; work together to be able to make the most of their potential
  6. Social Togetherness and Social Responsibility; maintain harmony and care for the surrounding community

Vision and Mission of the Bachelor of Applied Civil Engineering


To become a leading applied undergraduate study program in the field of civil engineering in Indonesia, especially those that support the development of environmentally friendly marine and industry through vocational channels.


  1. Organizing quality applied undergraduate education so as to obtain accreditation A to produce professional graduates for the level 6 KKNI qualifications who are moral, technopreneurship spirit, certified and able to compete in national and global markets;
  2. Carrying out applied research in the field of civil engineering that supports national needs for the development of industry and marine with an environmental perspective through vocational channels;
  3. Establishing collaborative networks with stakeholders in the framework of institutional development and participation through vocational channels in solving real problems in the industrial world and society.

Study Program Objectives

  1. Making the education and learning system at the applied bachelor’s degree level with vocational standards;
    Provide graduates with the knowledge, skills, and spirit of technoprenuership needed to work, participate actively in social life, and have good morals and ethics;
  2. Managing study programs with an efficient, effective, productive, accountable, responsible and sustainable management system;
  3. Have the results of applied research that are suitable for publication in national and international media, and can be patented and applied in real terms in industry and society.
  4. Improve the implementation of the tridharma of higher education and the quality of academic staff in the department with national and international standard quality;
  5. Increasing sustainable cooperation networks at the national and international levels with stakeholders, such as government, industry and Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM), company associations, professional associations, social organizations and alumni.

Vision and Mission of the Water Construction Engineering Applied Undergraduate Program (TRKBA)


To become a leading applied undergraduate study program in the field of Water Building engineering in Indonesia, especially those that support the development of environmentally friendly marine and industry through vocational channels.


  1. Organizing quality applied undergraduate education so as to obtain accreditation A to produce professional graduates for the level 6 KKNI qualifications who are moral, technopreneurship spirit, certified and able to compete in national and global markets;
  2. Carrying out applied research in the field of water engineering that supports the national need for industrial and marine development with an environmental perspective through vocational channels;
  3. Establishing collaborative networks with stakeholders in the framework of institutional development and participation through vocational channels in solving real problems in the industrial world and society.

Objectives of the Water Construction Engineering Applied Undergraduate Program (PSSTrTRKBA)

  1. Making the education and learning system at the applied bachelor’s degree level with vocational standards;
    Provide graduates with the knowledge, skills, and spirit of technoprenuership needed to work, participate actively in social life, and have good morals and ethics;
  2. Managing study programs with an efficient, effective, productive, accountable, responsible and sustainable management system;
  3. Have the results of applied research that are suitable for publication in national and international media, and can be patented and applied in real terms in industry and society.
  4. Improve the implementation of the tridharma of higher education and the quality of academic staff in the department with national and international standard quality;
  5. Increasing sustainable cooperation networks at the national and international levels with stakeholders, such as government, industry and Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM), company associations, professional associations, social organizations and alumni.