Nama | Judul | Dipublikasikan | Tahun |
Tatas, Muh. Hafiizh Imaaduddiin, Dimas Pustaka Dibiantara | Type of Damage and The Proposed Solution to the Irrigation Weirs in Madura Island, Indonesia | IAHR Word Congress | 2017 |
S. Kamilia Aziz, Ismail Sa’ud | Analisis Profil Muka Air Saluran Untuk Supply Air Tambak Garam | Seminar ATPW 2017 | 2017 |
Suharjoko | Analisa Linear Programing Untuk Optimasi Rencana Pola Tata Tanam Di Gondang Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah | Seminar ATPW 2017 | 2017 |
Kuntjoro, Ismail Sa’ud, Didik harijanto | Discharge Fluctuation Effect on Meandering River Bed Evolution | Internaional Seminar ICASIE | 2017 |
Edy Sumirman, A. Yuzuf Z, A. J Perdana | Up Rating Installation Advanced Research of Drinking Water and Clean Water Power Supply in City Pacitan With Decision Tree | Internaional Seminar ICASIE | 2017 |
Rudhy Akhwady, Ridho Bayuaji | The Influence of Clamshell on Mechanical Properties of Non-Structure Concrete as Artificial Reef | ASIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES (ISSN: 2321 – 0893) Vol. 5 Issue 02, April 2017 | 2017 |
Indarto | The Lateral Displacement of Soft Soil due to Pile Instalation at The oil Tank of TNU Project at Surabaya | International Conference Advancement of Pile Technology and Pile Case Histories | 2017 |
Indarto | Survey Pra Konstruksi: Mengapa Penting? | Buletin Permukiman Edisi 16 – Juni | 2017 |
Indarto | Dinding Penahan Tanah dan Kemungkinan Keruntuhannya | Buletin Permukiman Edisi 15 – Maret | 2017 |
Machsus | Analisa Kinerja Pelayanan Angkutan Umum Perkotaan | Prosiding Seminar Nasional FPTVI | 2017 |
Nama | Judul | Dipublikasikan | Tahun |
Karina Aryanti Permatasari, Totok R. Biyanto, Sony Andriyanto, Sonny Irawan, Ridho Bayuaji | Optimization of Water Recycle at Steam Flood EOR Using Genetic Algorithm | International Conference on Integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences | 2016 |
Hariz Zain, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Kamarudin Hussin, Nurliyana Ariffin, Ridho Bayuaji | Review on Various Types of Geopolymer Materials with the Environmental Impact Assessment | Engineering Technology International Conference 2016 | 2016 |
Ridho Bayuaji, Sigit Darmawan, Nur Ahmad Husin, Boedi Wibowo, Srie Subekti | The Effect of High Temperature on Compression Strength of Geopolymer Paste | Engineering Technology International Conference 2016 | 2016 |
Ridho Bayuaji, Sigit Darmawan, Nur Ahmad Husin, Boedi Wibowo, Srie Subekti | The Effect of Corrosive Environment on Geopolymer Concrete Tensile Strength | Engineering Technology International Conference 2016 | 2016 |
Nurliyana Ariffin, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah, Mohd Remy Rozainy Mohd Arif Zainol, Mohd Fared Murshed, Ridho Bayuaji | Review on Adsorption of Heavy Metal in Wastewater by Using Geopolymer | Engineering Technology International Conference 2016 | 2016 |
Indarto | Pondasi Tiang dan Kemungkinan Pergerakan Tanah Sekitar Akibat Pemasangannya | Buletin Permukiman Edisi 14 – Desember | 2016 |
Nama | Judul | Dipublikasikan | Tahun |
R Bayuaji J. Ekaputri, M. Bahrul Ulum, Triwulan, T. E. Susanto, Al Bakri Abdullah | Comprehensive Characterization and Determination of Fly Ashes In Indonesia using Different Methods | Advanced Materials Engineering and Technology III | 2015 |
Totok R. Biyanto, Franky Kusuma, Hendra Cordova, Yerry Sutatio, Ridho Bayuaji | Handling Low and High Demand Mode on Safety Instrumented Function | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) | 2015 |
Ridho Bayuaji, M. F. Nuruddin, S. Francis, J.J. Ekaputri, Triwulan, S. Junaedi, H. Fansuri | Mechanical Properties of MIRHA-Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete | Materials Science Forum (Volume 803) | 2015 |
R. Bayuaji, M. Sigit Darmawan, B. Wibowo, N. Ahmad Husin, S. Subekti, J. J. Ekaputri | The Influence of Chloride Environment on Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Concrete with Fly Ash Using Taguchi Approach | Advanced Materials Engineering and Technology II | 2015 |
Ridho Bayuaji | The Influence of Microwave Incinerated Rice Husk Ash on Foamed Concrete Workability and Compressive Strength Using Taguchi Method | Jurnal Teknologi | 2015 |
Kuntjoro, Mohammad Bisri, Agus Suharyanto, Aniek Masrevaniah | Relationship of Discharge Fluctuation Changes With Velocity of Meandering River Propagation | Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences | 2015 |
Kusumastuti, Kuntjoro | Residential Area Contribution To Reducing Flood Rate From Climate and Landscape Change | Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences | 2015 |
Kusumastuti, Kuntjoro, Pudiastuti, Sukobar, Saptarita | Permukiman Seharusnya Berkontribusi dalam Pengendalian Banjir | Prosiding Seminar Nasional ATPW | 2015 |
M. Sigit Darmaan, Ridho Bayuaji, Nur Ahmad Husin, Chomaedi, Ismail Saud | A case study of low compressive strength of concrete containing fly ash in East Java Indonesia | Procedia Engineering | 2015 |
Hendra Wahyudi, Suhardjono, Mohammad Bisri, Agus Suharyanto | Case Study of the Use of Morphometry Das Barek Kisi To Predict Watershed Erosion | Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences | 2015 |
Nama | Judul | Dipublikasikan | Tahun |
Ridho Bayuaji, Muhd Fadhil Nuruddin, Shahanema Francis, JJ Ekaputri, S Junaedi, H Fansuri | The Effect of Chloride Environment on Mechanical Properties Geopolymer Binder with Fly Ash | Advanced Materials Engineering and Technology II | 2014 |
Muhammad Sigit Darmawan, Ridho Bayuaji, Boedi Wibowo, Nur Ahmad Husin, Srie Subekti | Mechanical Properties of MIRHA-Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete | Malaysia Indonesia Geopolymer Symposium | 2014 |
R. B. Anugraha M. Sigit Darmawan, Ridho Bayuaji, N. A. Husin | Case study of remaining service life assessment of a cooling water intake concrete structure in Indonesia | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 2014 |
R Bayuaji, MF Nuruddin | Influence of Microwave Incinerated Rice Husk Ash on Hydration of Foamed Concrete | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 2014 |
Ridho Bayuaji | The Influence of Burning Temperature of MIRHA On Mechanical Properties of Foamed Concrete |
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series | 2014 |
Nama | Judul | Dipublikasikan | Tahun |
Ridho Bayuaji, Totok R Biyanto | Model jaringan Saraf Tiruan Kuat Tekan Beton Porus dengan Material Pengisi Pasir | Jurnal Teknik Sipil ITB. Vol 20 No 1 April 2013. Hal 23-30 | 2013 |
Agung Budipriyanto | Blind Source Separation based Dynamic Parameter Identification of A Moment-Resisting Frame Building under Seismic Ground Motion. | Procedia Engineering 54 (2013) 299 – 307 | 2013 |
Suharjoko, Mohammad Bisri, Rispiningtati, Muhammad Ruslin Anwar | Modelling Of Groyne Placement On The River Bend Based On Sedimentation Analysis Using Numerical Simulation Approach | International Journal Of Engineering Research And Applications (Ijera) Issn: 2248-9622 Www.Ijera.Com Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, Pp.231-237 | 2013 |
M Sigit Darmawan, AN Refani, M Irmawan, R Bayuaji, RB Anugraha | Time Dependent Reliability Analysis of Steel I Bridge Girder Designed Based on SNI T-02-2005 and SNI T-3-2005 Subjected to Corrosion | Procedia Engineering Volume 54, 2013, Pages 270–285 Procedia Engineering Volume 54, 2013, Pages 270–285 |
2013 |
Nur Ahmad Husin, M Sigit Darmawan | Tinjauan Karakteristik Baja Tulangan Yang Beredar di Dunia Konstruksi | ITS Digital Repository | 2013 |
Herry Henry Roberth, I Gusti Putu Raka, M Sigit Darmawan, Iman Wimbadi | Studi Pengaruh Korosi Terhadap Jembatan Beton Bertulang | ITS Digital Repository | 2013 |
Ridho Bayuaji, Totok R Biyanto | Model Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Kuat Tekan Beton Porus dengan Material Pengisi PasirModel Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Kuat Tekan Beton Porus dengan Material Pengisi Pasir | Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering | 2013 |
Akhmad Yusuf Zuhdy, R. Buyung Anugraha A., Sungkono | Perbaikan Struktur Gedung Bangunan Cagar Budaya | Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil (JATS), Vol.11, No. 1, Februari 2013 | 2013 |
Kusumastuti, Widjonarko, Endang Sri Sukaptini, Srie Subekti | Kajian Rumah Sehat di Kampung Kumuh Kelurahan Morokrembangan Surabaya | Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil (JATS), Vol.11, No. 1, Februari 2013 | 2013 |
Kuntjoro, Didik Harijanto, Sungkono, Saptarita, Choirul Anwar | Perkiraan Geometri Sungai Bermeander dari Besaran Debit | Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil (JATS), Vol.11, No. 1, Februari 2013 | 2013 |
Ridho Bayuaji | Initial Evaluation on Microwave Incinerated Rice Husk Ash (Mirha) Foamed Concrete Using Neural Network | Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil (JATS), Vol.11, No. 2, Agustus 2013 | 2013 |
Ali Masduqi, Amien Widodo, Mahendra A M., Tatas | Penilaian Kemampuan Kawasan Resapan Air (Studi Kasus Mata Air Umbulan) | Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil (JATS), Vol.11, No. 2, Agustus 2013 | 2013 |