Kuliah Tamu Capston Project Topik: Perencanaan Sistem Infrastruktur Kelautan. Sambutan Pengantar: Prof.
ISOCEEN 2023 is the 11th international virtual seminar dedicated to the advancement of Ocean
Dear Honored Colleagues! For anyone who wants to register but has not submitted your
Dear Research and Academic Fellows, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember is now accepting abstracts for
E – Short Program “Subsea Pipeline & Offshore Structure”
Call For Papers The technical program of the Conference will consist of keynote addresses,
Link Live Streaming https://intip.in/webinardtk atau https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGyr-aSrx0xMUY31f1ZAy3w PRESS RELEASE Ocean Engineering Webinar Series #1
OPEN TALK PRODI S1/S2/S3 DEPARTEMEN TEKNIK KELAUTAN ITS Halo Sobat! untuk mengetahui tentang
Untuk adik-adik SMA/Sederajat ingin mengetahui prodi di FTK catat tanggal pelaksanaan Open Talk Online
Manfaatkan Kesempatan untuk Kuliah di ITS Untuk informasi lebih lengkap kunjungi http://pasca.its.ac.id/
We are delighted to announce that Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) especially Department of