Judul | Nama | Dipublikasikan | Tahun |
Ensemble kalman filter with a square root scheme (EnKF-SR) for trajectory estimation of AUV SEGOROGENI ITS | Herlambang, T., Djatmiko, E.B., Nurhadi, H. | International Review of Mechanical Engineering | 2015 |
Cavitation noise characterization of two B-series propeller models in the cavitation tunnel | Widjiati, E., Djatmiko, E.B., Wardhana, W., Wirawan | Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 2015 |
Computational fluid dynamics investigation on the outer wing of flying boat remote control model | Syamsuar, S., Djatmiko, E.B., Mujahid, A.S., Erwandi, Subchan | Jurnal Teknologi | 2015 |
Monthly variations of global wave climate due to global warming | Zikra, M., Hashimoto, N., Mitsuyasu, K., Sambodho, K. | Jurnal Teknologi | 2015 |
Directional wave spectra from video images data and SWAN model | Zikra, M., Hashimoto, N., Yamashiro, M., Suzuki, K. | Jurnal Teknologi | 2015 |
GIS application in monitoring distribution of mangrove ecosystem of Southern Madura | Hidayah, Z., Rosyid, D.M., Armono, H.D. | Ecology, Environment and Conservation | 2015 |
Spatial Durbin model analysis macroeconomic loss due to natural disasters | Kusrini, D.E., Mukhtasor | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2015 |
A Critical Study on the Haldar and Mahadevan's Reliability Analysis | A Wisudawan, RW Prastianto, YS Hadiwidodo, DM Rosyid | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2015 |
Dynamic Response Analysis on Submerged Floating Tunnel due to Hidrodynamic Loads | DM Chamelia, W Wardhana, RW Prastianto | Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 14, 220-227 | 2015 |
Modelling of the COD, TSS, Phosphate and Nitrate Distribution Due to the Sidoardjo Mud Flow into Porong River Estuary | H Ikhwani, M Zikra, NA Sukmasari, G Angraeni, H Tanaka, M Umeda | Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 14, 144-151 | 2015 |
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