Career Prospects

It’s time to be successful

Graduate of Industrial Chemical Engineering Department has  opportunity to obtain successful career in a company or entrepreneurship. These are some prospective jobs as graduates of our department.

Being an IT professional who can analyze, provide solutive advice and how to overcome problems that arise about IT in business processes in an organization.

According to Wikipedia, the Surveyor is someone who checks or monitors and observes another work. In the world of work, the term Surveyor mostly leads to the field of the world which later becomes the main object in terms of carrying out its duties.



Being a professional who is tasked with analyzing, providing solutive advice and how to overcome problems that arise in business processes in a company / industry
Is a professional in the field of data science using imliah methods, processes, algorithms and systems to translate structured or not data.

Quality control in the work of the company / industry plays an important role, because it can determine the quality of the results of the execution of the work. Supervision of good quality work will produce good quality work. This will grow the trust of the Owner (company / industry owner) to the executor and supervisor of the company / industry

Entrepreneurship by utilizing relationships and experiences during the course of the lecture to open jobs that are in accordance with the concentration of the field of science, such as establishing a company in the field of industry, especially in the field of chemistry and contracting business entities or consultants and providing solutions to the problems being faced by Indonesia and even the world.

Further information can visit the website here