

PSDM (Human Resource Development) is a Department that facilitates Industrial Chemical Engineering students in order to actualize their roles and functions according to PPSDM HIMA D3KKIM FV-ITS. The PSDM Department is also responsible for conducting managerial development for members of the HIMA D3KKIM FV-ITS.

The Akesma Department is a department that deals directly with academic and welfare students (Akesma) Department of Industrial Chemical Engineering Faculty of Vocational, akesma can also assist Industrial Chemical Engineering students to solve academic and financial problems of students in the Industrial Chemical Engineering Department.

The Department of Public Relations (HUMAS) is a department that covers all external strengthening activities both for stakeholders inside and outside ITS and outside communities. The Department of Public Relations has two important divisions in helping to maximize the work of HIMA D3KKIM, namely Community and Social Relations

The Department of Religion is a department that covers all internal strengthening activities and interests of members’ talent. The Department of Religion has two important divisions in helping the performance of HIMA D3KKIM, namely internalization and interest in talent

The Ministry of Communication and Information is a department that oversees all forms of information exchange activities, as a media information department in himad3kkim and imaging himad3kkim, besides as an information medium Kominfo also oversees and facilitates FV ITS industrial chemical engineering students in journalistic, both written and online.

KWU is a department that was formed as a forum to develop entrepreneurial skills of members of the association in the scope of HIMA D3KKIM FV-ITS. In addition, the KWU department also has an important role as an independent source of funds for its associations and activities. In the KWU department will be printed into cadres who will be expected to have soft skills, hard skills and experience in carrying out activities related to entrepreneurship.

PROFILE Department is a department that accommodates all members of the association in matters relating to scholarship, professionalism and aptitude (technology applications). In addition to conducting scientific-based training, the PROFILE Department also provides scientific or professional information such as information on KTI, PKM, ISO Training, etc. APTEK here is an idea of ​​tools and products that are made and will later be applied to the HIMAD3KKIM Guidance Village and members of the association itself.

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