In accordance with the concept of independent learning initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture in accordance with Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 3 of 2020, gives students the right to study 3 semesters outside their study program. Learning can occur anywhere, the universe of learning is limitless, not only in classrooms, libraries and laboratories, but also in villages, industry, workplaces, places of service, research centers, as well as in the community both at home and abroad. . Inbound/outbound activities for lecturers also provide additional insight for lecturers outside the campus. For this reason, inbound/outbound activities of students and lecturers need to be increased to increase the capacity of sources and learning processes from outside the study program at the original university.
The purpose of this activity is to facilitate inbound/outbound academic and research activities at PT Mitra Luar Negeri for students and lecturers to realize the concept of independent learning.