Activity 5

Strengthening fundamental research to support the continuity of the teaching factory

In general, community service carried out by DTK-ITS is in the form of training. Although the last few years have begun to apply the results of research to carry out community service, such as: making fertilizer and animal feed from corn cobs in Tuban, making compost from plant waste in SDR-Surabaya housing, utilizing coconut water for liquid fertilizer, and so on. However, since 1994 after the successful collaboration with Perum Perhutani in the development of a gondorukem processing plant, there have been no results of research collaborations with commercialized industries.

DTK-ITS already has experience in developing chemical plant processes and designs, especially forestry products. In the span of 1980-1994, in collaboration with Perum Perhutani, DTK-ITS succeeded in developing the gondorukem processing process and turning it into a commercial factory that is still operating today. In addition, the ITS Chemical Engineering Department also has experience in designing a sago flour factory. Two sago flour factories have been successfully built, namely: a sago flour factory in Halmahera owned by PT. Inhutani in 1996 and a sago flour mill in Kais District, West Sorong, Papua owned by PT. Perhutani, 2015.

Currently, many studies at DTK-ITS are related to lignocellulosic biomass such as coco coir, bagasse, oil palm empty fruit bunches, etc. Various products have been developed using the three basic components of lignocellulose: cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Of all the processes developed, there is one thing in common, namely the pre-treatment stage to separate the three components, which in the industry is known as the delignification process. Therefore, DTK-ITS plans to make a mini plant teaching factory for the process by considering the three components can be used as raw materials for the next product. Before building a mini plant, supporting fundamental research will be carried out first. This mini plant is expected to be an example to accelerate the downstreaming of research on the utilization of lignocellulosic biomass to an industrial scale.

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