Soft skills lecture in the 4th session with the theme of Why Am I
“Who says Entrepreneurship belongs only to businessman? Entrepreneurship is not a profession. Entrepreneurship is
Thursday (10/17/2019), AIChE ITS SC (American Institute of Chemical Engineers ITS Student Chapter) held
Klik Link berikut untuk mengisi Kuisioner..Terimakasih Kuisioner Pihak Pengguna
Klik Link berikut untuk mengisi Kuisioner..Terimakasih Kuisioner Alumni Teknik Kimia
Chemical Engineering Department has open the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) in the year of
A potential from nature to produce electricity is discussed in this international guest lecture.
In order to connect the ties of friendship within the large family of ITS
Halal Bi Halal ALTEKIMITS 1440 H has been carried out on Saturday, June 29,
Most of Indonesia’s population works in agriculture, so Indonesia is often referred to as
Manajemen Sistem Informasi (MSI) Jurusan Sistem Informasi berdiri pada tahun 2015 bersamaan dengan terbentuknya 4
Semangat Pagi, sisfor! Bagi kalian yang sedang mencari kerja, ada info menarik nih, check