Fluid and Mixing Mechanics Laboratory


A. Education

The Role of the Laboratory in the Teaching and Learning Process:
As a research laboratory, it has a role in learning outcomes, especially in increasing mastery and ability to apply mathematics, natural science, and engineering principles and the latest techniques needed for analysis and design of processes, processing systems, and equipment needed to convert raw materials into products that have added value.

Courses/practicum in the Study Program Curriculum (Managed or served by the Laboratory):

Laboratory Competency-Based Courses
Chemical Plant Design (Undergraduate Final Project)
Thesis (in the form of research assignments)
Thesis (Final Project for Master of Engineering Program)
Dissertation (Final Project for Engineering Doctoral Program)

B. Research

Able to select and carry out appropriate, current, and advanced research through interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approaches, in order to develop and/or produce problem solving in the fields of science, technology, or society.
Based on the results of a study on the availability of internal and external resources, from the aspect of human resource competence and infrastructure, the research roadmap at the Fluid and Mixing Mechanics Laboratory is focused on strategic issues:

Improved equipment performance on industrial scale processes;
Alternative energy and new renewable energy;
Application of supercritical fluid extraction technology to produce essential oils and phytochemical compounds;
Advanced material development.

C. Community Service

Able to select and apply the research results that have been achieved to provide benefits to mankind in the context of developing and/or producing solutions to social problems.

Based on the research roadmap above, the implementation of research results is adjusted to the level of technology application and target users as a form of social responsibility to society and scientific responsibility to industry.

Kepala Laboratorium

197502142008122003_Dr. Suci Madhania, ST., MT.

Dr. Suci Madhania, S.T., M.T.

Email : wigaviola@chem-eng.its.ac.id

Expertise :

  1. Renewable Energy
  2. Fluid Dynamics


195209161980031002_Prof.Dr.Ir. Sugeng Winardi, M.Eng

Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugeng Winardi, M.Eng.

Email : swinardi@chem-eng.its.ac.id

Expertise :

  1. Transport Phenomena Chemical Engineering
  2. Green Process Engineering
  3. Particle Technology anf Synthesis
197305121999032001_Dr. Siti Machmudah.,ST.,M.Eng.

Dr.Eng. Siti Machmudah, S.T., M.Eng.

Email : machmudah@chem-eng.its.ac.id

Expertise :

  1. Supercritical Fluids Technology
  2. Natural Product Processing
197612292009121001_Dr. Kusdianto, S.T., M.Sc.Eng.jpg

Dr.Eng. Kusdianto, S.T., M.Sc.Eng.

Email : kusdianto@chem-eng.its.ac.id

Expertise :

  1. Aerosol
  2. Particle Technology

Research Year:

Click the year below to see details of the study :




Scientific Publication Year:

Click the year below to see details of the study :







Community Dedication Year:

Click the year below to see details of the study :






Pre-Design Factory “Lignocellulose Bagasse Fractionation of Sugarcane by Steam Explosion Method”

Student :

  1. Andre Novent Chenady (02211840000059)
  2. Michelle Veronika The Original Pearl (02211840000103)
  3. Ayu Paramita Firdaus (02211840000009)
  4. Farhan Aji Mukti (02211840000044)
  5. Bisma Hendra Setiawan (02211840000078)
  6. Rais Fakhrirazin (02211840000138)

Supervisor :

  1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugeng Winardi, M.Eng.
  2. Dr. Suci Madhania, S.T., M.T.
  3. Dr. Kusdianto, S.T., M.Sc.Eng.
  4. Dr. Siti Macheasy S.T., M.Eng.


Description :

Indonesia is the country with the 4th largest population in the world reaching 270 million people. Of course, with this high population, the need for the industrial sector is also very large. One of the important industries in Indonesia is the pulp industry. Pulp is the result of separating fibers from fibrous raw materials. Pulp can be made from wood, non-wood and waste paper. Pulp is a white fiber material obtained through the process of removing lignin from biomass (delignification). Pulp is used as a raw material for paper making and can also be converted into cellulose derivative compounds such as cellulose acetate. Removal of lignin from biomass can be carried out by various processes, namely mechanical, semichemical and chemical.

In Indonesia, the number of pulp and paper industries reaches 62 companies, with an industrial capacity of 7.93 million tons of pulp/year. As of September 2016, the pulp and paper industry has contributed USD 3.79 billion of foreign exchange and is ranked seventh as the largest foreign exchange earner from the non-oil and gas sector. The pulp and paper industry is one of the industries that plays an important role in the Indonesian economy. Based on FAO data (2013), Indonesia maintains its 6th position as a world pulp exporter with total pulp exports in 2002 of 2.25 million tons and in 2011 of 2.93 million tons (Unied, 2018).

This sugarcane bagasse lignocellulosic biomass fractionation plant is planned to be established in East Java, precisely in the Banyuwangi area. The determination of the location of the factory is primarily oriented to the source of raw materials, namely sugarcane bagasse and the market, namely paper factories in the area around East Java. Other factors include the availability of land in Banyuwangi Regency, along with the existing utilities in the area.

This factory is planned to operate in batches 24 hours for 330 days/year with a production capacity of 10,000 tons of raw materials/year. The products produced by this factory are cellulose pulp and hemicellulose hydrolyzate.

Based on economic analysis, the rate of return on capital (IRR) of this factory is 48.2% at a bank interest rate of 7.95%, with an inflation rate of 1.75% per year. Meanwhile, the payback period (POT) is 2.33 years and the break-even point (BEP) is 18.2% using a linear method. The factory life is 10 years and the construction period is 2 years. To produce cellulose pulp of 3656 tons/year, a total production cost (TPC) of Rp. 74.908.040.204.00 with a total investment cost (TCI) of Rp. 75,336,363,693.00. By looking at the economic and technical analysis assessment aspects, the sugarcane bagasse lignocellulosic biomass fractionation plant is feasible to establish.
